Want Affordable Housing in Seattle? Get in Line: At El Centro de La Raza, 1,400 people signed up for a chance to rent an apartment in a new affordable housing project. But only 110 units were available, KUOW reports.
Geocacher Finds Homemade Bombs in an Everett Park: Ray Friis has been geocaching (searching for items using GPS, for fun) for eight years. Last week, he found a wet bag with small homemade bombs at Silver Lake, KING 5 reports. A bomb squad was called out. Friis isn't going back to the park anytime soon.
New Report on Department of Corrections Scandal: Remember how the state's DOC released almost 3,000 prison inmates early? "A series of factors contributed to the Department of Corrections not fixing the sentencing error when it was first flagged in 2012," reports KPLU. "They include: bad legal advice, indifference to public safety and bureaucratic inertia." Governor Inslee calls it a "calamity of errors."
There's a New Seattle.Gov: Go check it out. It's the first redesign of the city's website in six years, Govtech reports. It's an improvement, sure, but not a big one.
Guy Says He Had a Great Experience with the SPD Recovering His Stolen Wallet: "TL;DR: Found lost wallet and dude goes to jail. Seattle PD didn't call me a racial slur."
Seattle Police Officer Suspended for Five Days for Using Racial Slur: A dashcam video uncovered by accountability activist Mike O'Dell showed Sergeant Lora Alcantara saying "Fucking negro" during a chase. She was suspended for five days.
Low Gas Prices Leave State With Environmental Protection Shortfall: "When gas prices drop," Robert McClure reports, "so do state collections of a tax on oil and other chemicals designed to help protect people from hazardous chemicals."
Ijeoma Oluo and Jenny Yang Talk About That Rally for NYPD's Peter Liang: There was a big rally in downtown Seattle last weekend for Peter Liang, the NYPD officer who killed Akai Gurley in a stairwell. It's worth a read. "I think Chinese Americans and Asian Americans, especially those who are more recent immigrants and more working class have justifiable grievances about their voices and lives not being valued in terms of politics and policy," Yang says. "But… I just do not agree that rallying around Peter Liang is the way to do it."
The New York Times Compares Hillary Clinton to a Mischievous Child: "Everyone does it" is no excuse for making highly-paid speeches to Wall Street, and then refusing to release the content of them. "By stonewalling on these transcripts Mrs. Clinton plays into the hands of those who say she’s not trustworthy and makes her own rules," the NYT editorial board says. "Most important, she is damaging her credibility among Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House."
Blabbermouth Is Back: Our week-in-review podcast is back with an explainer of how Washington's primary process works and a Bernie vs. Hillary discussion. Listen here.