Seattle Transportation Director Scott Kubly (front left) used to work as the president of Alta Bicycle Share, which operates Seattles Pronto bike share system.
Seattle Transportation Director Scott Kubly (front left) used to work as the president of Alta Bicycle Share, which operates Seattle's Pronto bike share system. City of Seattle

Why the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission Is Investigating Transportation Director Scott Kubly: "Kubly didn’t obtain a waiver from the ethics commission allowing him to work on business regarding Alta Bicycle Share, which was operating the Pronto bike-share system in Seattle when he was hired," the Seattle Times reports. The mayor's legal counsel—Lorena González, who's now a city council member—knew Kubly needed the waiver, but the mayor's office now admits Kubly never submitted it.

New Details About the Man Suspected of Murdering and Dismembering a Woman He Was Dating: Police believe Ingrid Lyne was murdered in her Renton home and dismembered in her bathtub before her remains were driven to Seattle, where they were found over the weekend. A judge found probable cause to hold John Charlton, the man Lyne was dating, in the case, but he hasn't yet been charged, Q13 reports. Records show Charlton's parents filed for a temporary protection order in 2006 because they feared their son when he was drunk. The petition was later dismissed. He's being held on $2 million bail.

Friends Held a Vigil for Ingrid Lyne Last Night: "She was loyal, feisty, strong, passionate, a really good friend, a great mother," friend Crissa Franceschina told KIRO.

The Internet is Terrible: Commenters are blaming Lyne for being murdered because she met someone online. Don't.

Cases of Zika have been reported in Washington, but the virus is spread through the bite of a type of mosquito we dont have.
Cases of Zika have been reported in Washington, but the virus is spread through the bite of a type of mosquito we don't have. JIPATAFOTO89//Shutterstock

There's a Zika Test Backlog in Washington: "At least 74 people in Washington state are waiting now for Zika test results," the Seattle Times reports, "out of some 256 specimens submitted since January."

Jay Inslee Fired the Head of Western State Hospital: The governor cited understaffing and the recent escape of two patients

A Lake Stevens Police Officer Shot a Man Carrying a Rifle: Officers responded to reports of gunshots and say the man refused to put down the rifle he was holding. He was wounded by the shot and taken to the hospital.

Trans Kids Live Happy Lives With Support: That's according to new research from the University of Washington. "And that's a big deal because it goes against the normal narrative of mental health in transgender people," reports KUOW.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina: The governor wants some changes to that state's anti-LGBT law, but the changes won't do much about the worst parts of the law.

Journalists from the Seattle Times, YES Magazine, and the Seattle Globalist served on last nights #JournalismSoWhite panel.
Journalists from the Seattle Times, YES Magazine, and the Seattle Globalist served on last night's #JournalismSoWhite panel. Ansel Herz

Why Is #JournalismSoWhite? A panel of local journalists talked about that issue last night. Among the themes: The people at the top—the ones doing the hiring—are still overwhelmingly white; the dependence on internships excludes people who can't afford to work for little or no pay; and hiring people of color is often treated as a "risk" rather than a benefit for the newsroom. The two Seattle Times staffers on the panel explained efforts to talk more about race in that newsroom and to get staffers there to respond better to criticism. "The editor asked that when people receive criticism, they take it to heart," Times columnist Jerry Large said. "[Issue] an apology when called for and let that be the end of it. Don't presume to lecture people about why they should see your point of view." But on the question of low pay, the panel largely deflected, saying journalism isn't about the money. Which, yes, is true, but you've gotta eat.

More highlights from the panel right here and later today on Slog.

P.S. Was Anyone Else at that Sound Transit 3 Forum Last Night? Can we talk about that crowd?

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