Since former U.S. attorney Jenny Durkan and engineer Cary Moon made it through this month's primary election, Durkan has continued to pick up labor union endorsements. While also endorsed by the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, those endorsements show that Durkan may be forming the same business-labor coalition that got Mayor Ed Murray elected in 2013.
But, like 2013, the city's unions will not be in total consensus. Today, Moon picked up her first union endorsement: Service Employees International Union 6 Property Services Northwest.
The union represents 6,500 janitors, security officers, and airport workers and is currently helping lead the call for improved working conditions for the security guards who work on Amazon's campus.
In a statement today, SEIU6 president Sergio Salinas said it was "a very easy decision."
"Cary Moon has been an energetic, vocal and consistent advocate for workers, immigrants, people of color, and living wages for the people of Seattle," Salinas said.
Moon remains far behind Durkan in labor endorsements (and endorsements in general, for that matter). Multiple other SEIU locals—including the powerful 775 and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW, which represents 29,000 nurses and health care workers—have endorsed Durkan, as has the city firefighters union, the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, Teamsters Joint Council No. 28, and the King County Labor Council. Moon this week picked up the endorsement of the King County Democrats and former mayor Mike McGinn.