News Mar 20, 2023 at 11:45 am

Activists Demand Closure as the County Moves to Shuffle Prisoners

A couple different perspectives on the same hell. Photos: RS. Design: Anthony Keo.



I'm not sure why we are funding a $150,000 study. It doesn't appear as if it is information any of the stakeholders intend to rely upon.


Hmm. Fentanyl use increases and deaths in the county jails increase... causation or correlation?

After our brilliant Silly Counsel experiment of "defund and debase the police"... golly its harder and harder to hire both police and jail personnel... causation or correlation? Got to go with direct correlation on that one!

Now that the political winds have shifted, we are prosecuting crimes again as opposed to letting them go free range all over the city, it appears we are going to need bigger jails, and we will need more jailers. Betting drop the study and just increase the budget.

......Or we could start to deal with the main underlying issue.... substance abuse and get these poor devils treatment.

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