News May 17, 2024 at 11:27 am

Protesters Didn’t Win Everything, but Some Gazans Will Go to UW for Free

She's comin' down. ALEX GARLAND



Since Hannah is apparently incapable of doing basic research into what Cauce is referring to, here's some reporting from KIRO 7: (

"Some of the graffiti reads, 'Abolish Israel' and 'Save a life, kill your local colonizer.' This type of messaging has made some Jewish students feel unsafe."


Agreed to evaluate
Translation: UW will tell these precious snowflakes what they want to hear so that they go away.
Later after ā€œcareful evaluationā€ the university will quietly announce that it is in the best interest of the university to maintain its close relationship with Boeing. As far as divestment from Israel. Donā€™t hold your breath.
Giving free tuition to a couple of students from Gaza is chump change to the school. The equivalent of a participation trophy.




So it was about money, not stopping the ā€œgenocideā€ - how unsurprising. The shakedown is alive and well (at least they dropped the religious exclusivity for the 20 scholarships).


ā€œStudents tacked up their list of demands to a canopy: Materially and academically divest from Israel, cut ties with Boeing, and end the repression of pro-Palestinian voices on campus. At the time, organizers said they would not leave until their demands were fully met, even if that meant camping through summer break.ā€

None of those will happen*, but the protesters will leave anyway. Victory?

Iā€™m glad to see this may result in increased educational opportunities at UW for students from Gaza. Travel and study away from home broadens the mind.

*For all of the times weā€™ve read their demand for the UW to ā€œend the repression of pro-Palestinian voices on campus,ā€ Iā€™ve never actually read about an example of such repression. It would be difficult for the UW to end something which is not happening.


So they can't divest because... they weren't invested in those things in the first place? And the protesters could've found this at any time with a public records search?

Who could've guessed that their demands were so poorly thought out?


@6: Actually, the protestersā€™ demand was to ā€œcut ties with Boeing,ā€ whatever that means. The UW Engineering School has a wind tunnel, donated by Bill Boeing himself a century ago, and of course, UW students interview all the time for internships and permanent positions at Boeing. I doubt any of that was going to change, either.


I look forward to the announcement of the first twenty ā€œBoeing Scholarships for Gazansā€œ


@9. Actually, denying it is a genocide is the page taken from Goebbels.


NoSpin dear, I did a spit take when I read your comment @8


No outcome is perfect, this one is respectful.
Thank you for not protesting Clark Hall. It (ROTC) paid many of our tuitions. There are good people there.
@2 If you are going to use a word like "Snowflake" you better have served. Even then it's below the uniform you wore.


@10 gaslighting at its finest


Hooray to the end (for now) of this performative bullshit. I'm sure the campus smells better today.


@14. Much like Holocaust denial.


@18s. Not for a daft first draft. Somewhat lacking in concision, however.


@17 I guess you and Kristo would be experts on that as well.


@20. You are a numbskull.


@21 Your expertise in many topics is indeed wide ranging! Congrats!


@22. What could be more insensitive than denying genocide while calling those that compare that to Holocaust denial Holocaust denialists? @20's comment doesn't deserve the dignity of any other response than a reflection of how profoundly stupid such a comment is. It's lazy and pitiful.

Literally 800,000 people have been forced to flee Rafah, and half the population was already homeless. There are no other places to flee in Gaza. Everyone is in camps and being steadily starved to death but for the aid we are getting in there, but it's not enough to stave off famine unless at least three times that amount reaches the civilians. I don't think you can even begin to imagine what it's like for 800,000 people to camp out and take up every resource. You simply cannot physically put yourself in their place. It's totally inaccessible to your brain. To be without creature comforts and in desperation and surrounded by bombardment and to have no access to showers, clean clothes, food, and shelter. It's a concentration camp of millions. But according to bertha all that is bullshit and it's just another day.

You guys need to learn some sensitivity. You're out of your minds.


Garb@24: Yes, what Hamas continues to do to the civilians of Gaza ranks up there with what they did to the civilians of Israel. (The difference of course, being that Hamasā€™ attack in Israel was actually a genocide.)

Even youā€™ve somehow noted that Israel and the United States have started relief of the civilian population in Gaza. How about those Gulf states which fund Hamas? How much food are they sending to ā€˜Palestineā€™? Why, itā€™s just like UNRWA ā€” funded almost entirely by the US and Europe, with loud champions of ā€˜Palestineā€™ noticeably absent.

Please do let us know when an excruciatingly subtle pattern begins to tease at the outermost limits of your perspicacity.


tensornabot logic:

Likud good.
Hamas ungood.
If Likud ungood
Then Likud = Hamas


@27: Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is simply a ā€˜botā€™ for Likud. Thatā€™s where denial has taken you.

Whatā€™s next ā€” your complaint that the US and Israel wonā€™t allow Hamas to steal the usual amounts from the humanitarian aid supplied to Gaza? How is Hamas supposed to live?!?


Stay off my block, Raindrop.

Republicans are horrible people. Full stop.


@29: "You don't own adjectives."

Phrases and sentences can be copyrighted, dear. And Mrs. Vel-DuRay has turned that sentence into her catchphrase, at least on Slog. You're blatantly imitating her, after she has explicitly refused permission for you to do so. If this was indeed a legal case, you'd have lost it.

"The disruptions and damage that Pro-Palestinian protesters are causing this society is horrible."

It's an amusing and slight annoyance, as this comment thread reveals. Meanwhile, Republicans spent fifty years returning poor women to back-alley butchery. Not even close.


@31: Well, obviously, the ā€œCAUCE KILLS BABIESā€ sign, visible in center-left of the photo up top, wonā€™t help them there. ;-)

As you noted, neither Boeing corporate, nor their unionized workforces, seem likely to tolerate such hatefully intolerant rhetoric on property, so thatā€™s probably not a go for this crowd of protesters. If they go elsewhere in Seattle, theyā€™ll just blend into all of the other destructive encampments, which is also unlikely to please them.

Iā€™m thinking the allure of a self-congratulatory Summer Break will win them over. Social-media boasting about how hard they struggled with oppressors goes well with poolside, beach bars, and hanging out within air-conditioned spaces.


@22. That's Mz. Grammarly to you, lowly sexist swine.


There's no valid reason to diss the students a the encampment. It's entirely just and valid to oppose what Israel is doing in Gaza and the fact that there's no decent reason for the IOF to inflict any more suffering on innocent Gaza civilians at all, let alone stage a brutal massacre in Rafah(the town Rachel Corrie died defending innocent people's homes in) when there's no justification for staging it.

Levelling Rafah won't free the hostages- staying in the war was never going to do that- and was never going to produce a BETTER Palestinian leadership- the fact that Hamas superseded the PLO the last time Netanyahu tried to create a new Palestinian leadership proves once and for all that it is impossible for Israel to ever create a better Palestinian leadership by force or by any other coercive means-ans while October 7th should not have happened, it's not worse than what Israel has done to ordinary Palestinians repeatedly in, at the very least, it started its unjustified occupation of Gaza- which it is trying to re-impose now, though reimposing it can't have any positive results- and the West Bank after 1967, when it imposed a military occupation that did nothing but make the entire situation worse and it started on its destructive policy of blocking any Palestinian state from ever being created- thus making peace permanently impossible, since, as we all know, peace cannot ever be based on denying Palestinian self-determination and putting any Palestinian leadership in the position of having to sign an unconditional surrender treaty as if Palestine was Imperial Japan in August, 1945.

How about, oh I don't know, admitting that 97% of Palestinians are ordinary decent human beings who don't deserve to be collectively punished for the actions of the 3% who aren't? And how about admitting it's not possible to make peace with another national community if you're going to insist that that national community accept the bogus assumptions that 1) It can never be trusted to conduct itself as a normal, civilized nation and 2) It must be made to concede the lies that the entire conflict is solely its fault, and that it's only reason for ever fighting was bigotry?

Tensorna will respond with snark, since that person- what's with the "a" on the end of the name now? Are they smirking and sneering at trans/non-binary people now for some reason?- seems to be channeling "Scoop" Jackson these days and, had they been an adult and involved in politics in 1968, would probably have been a Hubert Humphrey delegate in Chicago, spent the whole week cheering on the cops as they gave the protesters head injuries in the streets, then screamed at the McCarthy/McGovern/Draft Teddy Kennedy types that they were obligated to back the Humphrey ticket even though the party leadership had spent the entire week treating the overwhelming vote for peace as if it didn't count and otherwise kicking Peace Democrats in the teeth, sometimes literally as well as figuratively- and then gone on to be a "Democrat for Nixon" in 1972.

I know the type "tensorna" has turned into. They've been around for decades. They've done nothing but damage. And they cost the Democratic Party every presidential election it lost between 1968 and 2004.

Getting back on topic...the encampment was justified, the war is useless and needs to end, and its time to stop killing and start talking. OK?


@34: ā€œThere's no valid reason to diss the students a the encampment.ā€


ā€œZionist entityā€

UW Depā€™t. For Enforcement of Anti-Zionist Hiring Practices


It would be nice to offer the scholarships for queer Gazans to escape the horrific conditions. It would be a double benefit.


Since the student encampment project turned out to be a total fiasco, accomplishing none of its stated goals, what is one to make of it all? To those who supported it, after plaudits for the brave and virtuous protesters, how to explain its abject failure?

This is always the fun part, where the explanation will rely solely on the vilification and obstinance of those powers that refused to yield to demands. The protesters, by contrast, will be remembered as angelic, heroic change agents who were perfect in thought, word and deed.

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