Flat rate property taxes are indeed regressive. I have no idea why we can't have marginal property tax rates, or create some sort of "donut hole" system for them.
"including filling the Burke Gillman trail’s infamous missing link"
False. Her proposal would put a trail along Leary and Market, which is a route SDOT has already determined (back in 2017) won't satisfy the goals of the Missing Link, because bikes would continue to use the shorter straighter route along Shilshole. Morales' proposal would just continue to throw money at a project we already know won't work.
Most homes in my neighborhood sell for $1 mill. Even older modest homes. This means they'll be paying at minimum 25% more than for an $800K house. That comes to $720/year. It seems much to high a price to add to property tax. Developers should be paying Impact Fees to cover at least part of this!!! Vote No and ask Harrell to come back with a proposal that includes Impact Fees for Developers!!! Impact Fees NOW!
Only from Hannah can a levy that’s nearly double the amount of its predecessor be noted as regressive (progressives are so far gone that the lack the ability to claim victory - all they see is failure).
“… giving most of the pie to road repairs and bridge maintenance.”
Both of which have been hideously underfunded since approximately forever. Seattle would literally fragment without its bridges, yet they’re here treated as not worth maintaining, when compared to building new bike lanes, or whatever.
Road repairs and bridge maintenance. So buses, bicycles, pedestrians and EVs can use them. A lot of "road maintenance" includes the sidewalks, road widening (for those beloved bike lanes) and filling potholes yhat buses make. Or even replacing the bus lane asphalt with concrete, so the buses don't turn it into mush. Whose budget pays for that?
I'm not certain what those are. Besides using cyclist outrage at the inevitable conflicts with existing businesses to force the agenda of high-end real estate development and kill another working waterfront*. Cyclists will ride where they want. Like along a shoulderless roadway in front of Gas Works Park when we have provided thrm with an existing bike path twenty feet to the North. We'll give them a trail along Leary and Market. And when they continue to bitch, get hit by forklifts and get wheels caught in railroad tracks, that's on them.
*Google, Adobe, etc. don't even need waterfront access. But the Port of Seattle has long since forgotten what its charter is.
Local pols like to talk progressive talk, but they usually walk the big-money walk. There's a reason this state and this area particularly have some of the most regressive tax structures in the country. And it's not enlightenment.
Like Council President Sara Nelson says, "we have a spending problem".
I am looking forward to the fall when the council will begin cutting programs, regulations, and thousands of city employees. Like the 24 Human resources in the City of Seattle. The city light hr directors salary of over $300k. I would like to see the org chart of the 24 human resources in the City of Seattle and their salaries.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
Of course, the Stranger failed to provide a link to Morales' proposal. Can anyone point me to it?
I ask because I want to know what's going on with vague plans like "$5 million to support community-based planning around future light rail stations."
Flat rate property taxes are indeed regressive. I have no idea why we can't have marginal property tax rates, or create some sort of "donut hole" system for them.
"including filling the Burke Gillman trail’s infamous missing link"
False. Her proposal would put a trail along Leary and Market, which is a route SDOT has already determined (back in 2017) won't satisfy the goals of the Missing Link, because bikes would continue to use the shorter straighter route along Shilshole. Morales' proposal would just continue to throw money at a project we already know won't work.
You left out the part where it says "It only costs a latte per day".
Tax increases ALWAYS say "it only costs a latte per day". It's mandatory. It's required, or something.
Most homes in my neighborhood sell for $1 mill. Even older modest homes. This means they'll be paying at minimum 25% more than for an $800K house. That comes to $720/year. It seems much to high a price to add to property tax. Developers should be paying Impact Fees to cover at least part of this!!! Vote No and ask Harrell to come back with a proposal that includes Impact Fees for Developers!!! Impact Fees NOW!
Only from Hannah can a levy that’s nearly double the amount of its predecessor be noted as regressive (progressives are so far gone that the lack the ability to claim victory - all they see is failure).
“… giving most of the pie to road repairs and bridge maintenance.”
Both of which have been hideously underfunded since approximately forever. Seattle would literally fragment without its bridges, yet they’re here treated as not worth maintaining, when compared to building new bike lanes, or whatever.
Road repairs and bridge maintenance. So buses, bicycles, pedestrians and EVs can use them. A lot of "road maintenance" includes the sidewalks, road widening (for those beloved bike lanes) and filling potholes yhat buses make. Or even replacing the bus lane asphalt with concrete, so the buses don't turn it into mush. Whose budget pays for that?
@4: "the goals of the Missing Link"
I'm not certain what those are. Besides using cyclist outrage at the inevitable conflicts with existing businesses to force the agenda of high-end real estate development and kill another working waterfront*. Cyclists will ride where they want. Like along a shoulderless roadway in front of Gas Works Park when we have provided thrm with an existing bike path twenty feet to the North. We'll give them a trail along Leary and Market. And when they continue to bitch, get hit by forklifts and get wheels caught in railroad tracks, that's on them.
*Google, Adobe, etc. don't even need waterfront access. But the Port of Seattle has long since forgotten what its charter is.
@7 it's best to read the article before commenting, could have saved you some embarrassment here
Local pols like to talk progressive talk, but they usually walk the big-money walk. There's a reason this state and this area particularly have some of the most regressive tax structures in the country. And it's not enlightenment.
Like Council President Sara Nelson says, "we have a spending problem".
I am looking forward to the fall when the council will begin cutting programs, regulations, and thousands of city employees. Like the 24 Human resources in the City of Seattle. The city light hr directors salary of over $300k. I would like to see the org chart of the 24 human resources in the City of Seattle and their salaries.