Monday marks the 17th day of Kim’s hunger strike. She said she won’t eat until she’s returned to the Washington Corrections Center for Women.
Courtesy of a Friend of Amber Kim
If you're trying to generate sympathy for the plight of trans people in prison profiling a murderer who is possibly raping her cellmate is probably not the best way to go.
Jeez, that part where she murdered her parents, stashed the bodies and then used their debit card the next day to go on a shopping spree. That’s pretty gross.
I'm not going to opine on this person's "genuine transness" (because I don't know what that means) but I will say that if I was a man who got to spend my life sentence in a women's prison and bang inmates... yeah, I'd go on a hunger strike to keep that.
I’m curious as to why @1’s post with links to both a story on the murder and HuffPost’s story referenced by Viv was removed? I’m no fan of raindrop but saw nothing wrong with the information he shared.
@15, Their whole profile got yanked, not just that comment. I’m sure that wasn’t their only comment in this thread and given what’s left standing here, they probably said something insanely dumb and offensive. People will casually say the most hateful shit about trans people and insist it’s just “common sense” and this thread is rampant with it. Or rather, it was.
If you're trying to generate sympathy for the plight of trans people in prison profiling a murderer who is possibly raping her cellmate is probably not the best way to go.
This happened after they were caught having sex with their cell mate. There’s a sexual power difference at play and something has to be done.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for this person who is convicted of killing two people?
Jeez, that part where she murdered her parents, stashed the bodies and then used their debit card the next day to go on a shopping spree. That’s pretty gross.
I'm not going to opine on this person's "genuine transness" (because I don't know what that means) but I will say that if I was a man who got to spend my life sentence in a women's prison and bang inmates... yeah, I'd go on a hunger strike to keep that.
I’m curious as to why @1’s post with links to both a story on the murder and HuffPost’s story referenced by Viv was removed? I’m no fan of raindrop but saw nothing wrong with the information he shared.
@13 Apparently presenting facts TS willfully withholds gets you banned around here now.
@15 let’s hope (I don’t remember the @3 comment). For reference, here’s the story on her conviction:
And here’s the HuffPost piece referenced by Viv:
I'm honestly curious. How did @15 noting that there was another comment (@3) that was deleted deserve an additional delete/ban? That's just weird.
@15, Their whole profile got yanked, not just that comment. I’m sure that wasn’t their only comment in this thread and given what’s left standing here, they probably said something insanely dumb and offensive. People will casually say the most hateful shit about trans people and insist it’s just “common sense” and this thread is rampant with it. Or rather, it was.
I know I am not alone in wishing her 100% success in her hunger strike.