his pile of garbage smells better than the Republican Health Care Bill
This pile of garbage smells better than the Republican Health Care Bill. zeljkosantrac/Getty

House Republicans got the 216 votes they needed for the first step to repeal Obamacare and wipe out humanity.

People with pre-existing conditions will no longer have protections, and people can now go back to the glory days of being denied insurance and dying and/or losing their house/going bankrupt because they had the bad luck of getting cancer, or simply being born female and getting something as inane, yet expensive to treat, as a UTI.

Oh yeah, you better bet that Planned Parenthood isn't going to be funded anymore. Poor women and families who are trying to get preventative health care, have babies, or plan a family responsibly, guess you're SOL.

Of course, none of this applies to Republicans in Congress since they won’t lose their insurance. They are exempt in states that waive Obamacare protections.

But there's still "hope." This steaming pile of garbage has to go to the Senate, where it's not likely to pass.