Burger lovers, your time has come. 

The Stranger has partnered with Woodford Reserve, purveyor of one of the finest bourbons around, to bring you Seattle Burger Week. 

From July 10 thru July 16, you'll find original, specialty burgers at 13 burger joints across town for just $10. You can't even get a measly turkey sandwich for that kind of cash any more!!!

You can find the full list of participating restaurants, high-quality quality photos, and detailed descriptions of all 13 big, beautiful, beefy boys right here. Gotta say, the Ooey Gooey Burger at Farmboy and the Roadhouse Smashburger at Etta's Big Mountain BBQ look downright pornographic. You're gonna need some protection before you bite into one of those 🥵. 

The Stranger also drew up a burger treasure map to help you find your way to gustatory happiness. When you discover one or two or three that you like, don't keep your bliss all bottled up! Tell your friends and foes on social media using the hashtag #seattleburgerweek. 

As always, thank you for enjoying and partaking in The Stranger's food weeks. And most of all, thank you for supporting small, local businesses—especially those who may not get the attention they deserve! YOU'RE THE BEST.