Well, that took a while.
For years now—for 15 long, lonely years—I was the only full-time, dues-paying, annual-convention-attending member of the advice industrial complex who had ever dared to advise a letter writer to smoke some pot. I've done it on multiple occasions, actually, and received a considerable degree of pushback from my otherwise progressive, sex-positive readers, some of whom believe, quite erroneously, that meaningful consent cannot be granted after ingesting any amount of drugs or booze.
I was out on this limb by myself for so long that I long ago gave up hope that anyone would ever join me here. But on February 20 of this year—O blessed day—Slate's Prudie took a seat beside me.
Responding to a man whose wife can have sex only when she's hammered, Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, suggested that they keep talking, schedule sex, and read a couple of books that might help them identify the "primary source of [his] wife's resistance" to sober sex. Then Prudie sparked it up:
Consider taking a trip together to Colorado or Washington State. For one thing, when the children are far away with their grandparents or a trusted babysitter, your wife won't be distracted about the need to make their lunches. For another, you two can explore the new world of legal marijuana. To get aroused, your wife has to shut off the competing voices in her head. So join with her and share a joint.
Ah, Prudie! Down with pot but still wary of advising her readers to break the law. If you want to smoke some pot with Prudie's okay, you'll have to get your ass to Colorado or Washington, where you can do it legally. If you're reading The Stranger's pot guide, you're probably in Washington already—so, hey, you can safely smoke some pot and fuck someone/something/somehow with Prudie's approval!
I didn't start smoking pot until I was 34 years old. (I was far too busy in my teens memorizing the lyrics to Stephen Sondheim's shows to bother with weed.) So I had been sexually active for nearly 20 years the first time I smoked pot. Stoned sex was a revelation. For a guy like me—someone with their fair share of hang-ups, body image issues, and, yes, sexual inhibitions—pot was very freeing. It helped me to do something that I had never been able to do on my own: It turned off that voice in my head that said, "You're not going to eat that, are you?"
So, yeah, get high and have sex. It's amazing—or it can be. Individual results may vary, of course, but pot can make you silly, it can make you playful, and it can put you in the moment. And, yes, it can give you the munchies. But chips aren't the only things a high person can munch on for hours.