Well, the company paid three-quarters of a billion dollars to only have to admit that "certain claims" were false. Ilya S. Savenok / GETTY



Hello Vivian!
The best to you!
Hope it warms up soon!


@1 "Anyone who spends a lot of time on Twitter, as I do"

we can tell


@4 your "lived experience" is allowing your worldview to be formed by social media that is rapidly losing reputable news sources because it's kowtowing to republican misinformation and white supremacy.

like I said, we can tell.


...why was Lester allowed to walk free while Yarl lay in a hospital bed?
Andrew Lester was released after posting a $200,000 bond.

Would it be the same story if the shooter was black and the victim was white?


A "vibrant debate" about whether or not we should misgender people is no more desirable than a "vibrant debate" about whether we should be using homophobic slurs, racist slurs, or anything else. Debate has its place, but not over whether or not people deserve basic dignity.


Always enjoy when TS disparages Twitter as a toxic wasteland of garbage and then in the same post embeds tweets from one of its reporters lol. Make up your mind. If its toxic garbage maybe not use it?

The capped late charge is just more performative nonsense from our esteemed city council. Is there any data that backs up the notion late charges are forcing people from their homes? This is just more anti landlord legislation from the progressive wing of the council. They care more about punishing landlords than they do about helping renters which is why they continue to pass these asinine policies that do little to address keeping housing affordable. Sad to some members are still swayed by the "pack city hall" rally's but looking forward to these kind of theatrics being used against those running for re-election in the fall.


Always enjoy when TS commenter disparages slog as a toxic wasteland of garbage and then repeatedly visits slog to post. Make up your mind. If it's toxic garbage maybe not use it?


For the record, I don't mind your commentary here. But your posting here is no less hypocritical than writers embedding tweets from a platform they're also critical of, particularly when said platform is one of the most popular and widely used information dissemination tools in the history of human civilization.


@8 who said Slog was a toxic wasteland? Is it full of propaganda and misinformation on a regular basis? Yes, which is why I post most of the time. Generally I enjoy the conversations here though, despite the occasional sling or arrow from you or your buddy the professor. It's one of the few forums in Seattle where you actually get diverse viewpoints and debate about issues that impact all of us.



Right, the whole accusation of hypocrisy for using a platform they're also critical of screams of ideological purity demand though, and for that reason is ridiculous & reductive. For all it's faults and repugnant attributes, twitter is also incredibly convenient for someone in an AM writer's position of having to aggregate an entire day's worth of news into a single coherent post in a short period of time.

I've no doubt they'd prefer to be using... mastodon I guess is the hip one that lefties are touting and espousing? But it's simply not ubiquitous enough to be practical at this point. I'm not a twitter user for a shitload of reasons, but I don't begrudge journalists (and others) who are forced to rely on it for whatever reason.





@13 I don't begrudge them using Twitter. As you said, despite its flaws it's probably the best source of instant mass communication available in today's age. Could Slog have been written this morning without embedding those tweets though? I think probably yes. They don't need to be ideologically pure, consistent would be fine, especially when you are saying the platform in question is promoting violence toward a community you are supposed to be an ally for and you state its a "dying website". I find it more humorous than anything else and just another example of TS writers not really believing some of the bs they are posting.


The likely Klansman who shot the kid is out on bail because he’s charged, not convicted. IDK what the rules are in Kansas City, but in most places you get bail unless the judge finds you are a flight risk or likely to harm others. Bail or not is not about punishment. That comes later.


An equally bad trend along with vintage TV shows disappearing entirely from streaming services is that many of the ones that remain available have been crudely reformatted to fill a 16:9 screen, which means the top and/or bottom of the original 4:3 picture has been cropped off. When I first got a streaming TV I was eager to watch old episodes of M*A*S*H and the Simpsons (among others) but when I saw they'd been butchered I lost all interest. Are there really people out there who won't watch ~anything~ made before c.2006 unless it's been retrofitted for widescreen? I don't know the answer, but it's awfully sad if true.



I dunno man, to each their own I suppose. I've at least a couple friends whose opinions I trust and respect that are still on it, so I suppose there's maybe something there I'm not seeing. But for the life of me I can't be inclined to consider checking out what that might actually be.


*@18 that should read, of course


Disappointed, in a word, that all those loud-mouthed know-it-alls at Fox won’t have to quake in their boots facing questioning from Dominion’s lawyers. That would have been fun. I don’t think the people who watch Fox News are going to care anyway. They’re only after the news they want to hear: Fair and balanced insofar as what those damned ol’ Democrats are up to now.

I’d heard that the case was pretty airtight, and that Dominion had some huge cannons and machetes at the ready. I wonder why they settled for less than half of what they asked for. Did their lawyers think a jury wouldn’t go for the full $1.6B? Why, too, didn’t Dominion demand some sort of dunce parade down Fifth Avenue instead of the “oops, we were partly incorrect, but we were only reporting what officials were telling us,” half-assed, non-apologetic exit line Fox gave.

We still may have a chance for some satisfaction. Smartmatic is asking for $2.7B in its defamation suit against Fox News.

Dearest Seattle, if you want real rent control and fairness, you have to keep landlords off the city council. And btw, has the grace period completely disappeared? Everything is due on the first of the month now. I remember it being the fifth or even the tenth in years past. Not having a grace period is more of a tool, in my opinion, than having a high late fee is for charging more, underhanded rent. Some people don’t get paid until the third of the month. Others have to wait for the first Friday, etc.

A case in point: I was renting a place in the west end of Vancouver for several months a few years ago. The boilerplate rental agreement in Vancouver states that all rent is due on the 1st of every month. I asked my apartment manager if we could arrange to have my due date on the 2nd because international banking transactions take longer (or they did) and was confronted with a look similar to what it would have been had I’d asked to screw her grandmother. No, absolutely not! That way, you see, they could get another $25 out of me. Every month. Vancouver renters struggle with landlords-in-charge, too. Limit late fees, yes, but bring back the grace period, too.

Clarence Thomas stays in the news. I bet the Federalist Society is creating all kinds of ad hoc committees using their twisted logic in preparing sound bite responses for any eventuality. My bet is on what worked for him back in ’91: You’re persecuting me because I’m a conservative black man. Afterwards, he’ll go out to dinner with his Federalist Society colleagues for a $450 meal that he won’t be paying for. Ginni will say, “Oh, ‘Rency. You da man.” And Thomas replies, “Yeah, baby. We got ‘em again…stupid fucks.”


Thanks, Vivian, for two additional reasons for me to be glad I avoid FOX TeeVee altogether, don't have a Twitter account, and never will. Wow. I know a ton of infinitely better uses for three quarters of a billion--a.k.a. $750,000,000.00---in U.S. dollars.

@12 mike blob and @14 Anthropromise Me: I forgot about that guy.

@20 CKathes: I don't own a TV, but that is sad news about vintage classic TV shows lost to reformatting.


Always enjoy when DistrictRefugee disparages The Stranger as a toxic wasteland of garbage and then in the comes here to comment 20x per day every day making The Stranger Ad revenue lol. Make up your mind. If its toxic garbage maybe not use it?


@24 Bauhaus I: I share your frustrations and concerns. Here's hoping Smartmatic body slams FOX TeeVee for the full $2.7 billion and gets it. And that corrupt white billionaire Harlan Crow, his water boy, Clarence Thomas, and his Ginni bitch get their long overdue comeuppances, as well. Anita Hill must be just sick with revulsion that Thomas is an Extreme Court Injustice.


"Fox’s lawyers acknowledged "some claims" were false… "

translation: all's we DO is Lie
sell it as News and the
Rubes swallow it
Whole Hawg

"… and added they were
'hopeful that our decision to
resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably… '"

for a mere
Half a fucking BILLION

"'… instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues.'"

if Mudroach's Disciples
got wind of their
lying Liars Con-
fessions of

fear and loathing for their
rabid Audience they'd
turn on their RICH
on a fucking
FDR Dime
eat them
Whole &
look for
more to
Invite to


We use DVD.com by Netflix, because that's only place you can find more obscure titles that aren't on streaming, at least not Netflix, HBOMax, AppleTV and Paramount, which are the ones we have. Maybe some are on other streamers, but who can afford to subscribe to every damn streamer out there?

Hopefully, someone else will take up the by-mail DVD biz.


@28 (the lesser)
I hear Scare-
crow's al-


@ la Schrubberies

it sure Seems many
here just want
tS to become
Extinct. a lefty
Rag is an Anethma
to them. are they Russians

are they all
Pro fucking Bono?

live/love to Hate
is a rather Sad
"existence" ir-
of Wages


@9 raindrop Terms of service are (supposed to be) designed to encourage civil discourse. Misgendering people is not civil discourse.


A City Attorney and a police department work hand in hand. That the Spokane City Council is considering directing the City Attorney to investigate the Chief of Police says the Council doesn’t mean it to be a serious investigation.


@32 raindrop Right. If it's a rude insult, then it's reasonable for it to be a ToS violation. These are community guidelines, not government-enforced laws. If it's an error, then it can be resolved amicably. Why exactly are you so afraid of misgendering being against the ToS?


@34: No, raindrop dear. Rupert Murdock's idea of "knowing a ton of infinitely better uses for three quarters of a billion--a.k.a. $750,000,000.00 in U.S. dollars" would most likely be to criminally waste such bloated resources even further, and in even worse ways. Don't get my expressed views and Murdoch's confused. You're talking apples and oranges.


@38: That's right. Keep telling yourself that, raindrop dear. Stop binge watching FOX TeeVee before your head caves in.

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