Mayor Harrell wants to drop $2 million on cops: My colleague Hannah Krieg has more on Harrell’s announcement and Council politicking here. I would love for our political leaders to have this energy for literally any other job besides cops!

You wanna go to a murder hornet museum? If you find yourself in Washington D.C., mosey on over to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History to check out America’s first-ever murder-hornet nest from Whatcom County, reports KOMO. The museum will have several of the hornets on display—including one with a radio transmitter—as well as the entomologists’ hornet-proof suits they got off Amazon. This is about as close to one of those stinging creatures as I’d like to get. 

Speaking of museums: Basque artist Gala Knörr came under a lot of heat after a TikTok user pointed out that some of Knörr’s paintings currently hanging in Guggenheim Bilbao ripped off images taken by queer Black artist Dayday. According to ARTnews, the Guggenheim, Knörr, and Dayday have reached a “reparative solution” by including Dayday’s short film Blue next to Knör’s paintings with an artist statement acknowledging the inspiration. Imagine if all white artists had to do that!

There’s a new COVID vaccine in town: Today, the Food and Drug Administration authorized Novavax’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use in adults over 18, reports The Hill. This shot is “administered as a two-dose primary series, three weeks apart” and could appeal to people hesitant to receive a mRNA vaccine (doubtful). Research on Novovax showed that it was 90% effective against severe illness, but the tests were conducted pre-Omicron. Word on the street is that more variant-specific vaccines are coming our way this fall...

Washington State Supreme Court agrees to review case that overturned new capital gains tax: In March, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson appealed the case directly to the state Supreme Court. More from KOMO

The measure — approved by the Washington Legislature last year — imposed a 7% tax on the sale of stocks, bonds, and other high-end assets in excess of $250,000 for both individuals and couples. It was projected to bring in $415 million in 2023, the first year the state would see money from the tax.

In his written decision issued in March, Douglas County Superior Court Judge Brian Huber agreed with opponents of the new tax who had argued it was a tax on income that violates previous state Supreme Court rulings and the state constitution because it is not a uniform taxation on property. Supporters had argued that the tax is an excise tax, and thus, constitutional.

Get rid of your Ring: A letter made public by Sen. Edward Markey revealed that Amazon gave Ring footage over to law enforcement 11 times this year without users’ permission, reports The Guardian. While the company deemed all 11 instances an “emergency,” Sen. Markey notes that it’s become “increasingly difficult for the public to move, assemble and converse in public without being tracked and recorded.”

You still have another chance to catch the Supermoon: I would encourage you to look to the heavens as the moon gets within kissing distance of our blue little planet. Though it was technically at its fullest earlier this morning, the Seattle Times advises that the moon—nicknamed “Full Buck Moon,” “Full Hay Moon,” and “Full Thunder Moon”—will peak around 9:50 pm tonight. Cast your spells, draw a bath, rub oil into your skin, write a beautiful letter you’ll never send... all appropriate means of celebration.

Not sure if this is related: But tides around Puget Sound will be super low this week, thanks to a good ol’ moon wobble. 

The Biden administration: Issued guidance to close to 60,000 pharmacies today advising that “they can’t stop patients from accessing prescribed medication, and that such an action would be considered discrimination,” reports Axios. This comes after reports that some pharmacists have denied people medication that can terminate pregnancies—even if not explicitly used for abortion—over fear of prosecution. We are living in hell. 

And in Ohio: A 27-year-old Gershon Fuentes was charged with raping and impregnating a 10-year-old girl who had to travel to Indiana to get a medical abortion because of Ohio’s strict forced-birth laws, reports The Columbus Dispatch. Before the arrest was made, Ohio AG Dave Yost got his ass on Fox News and fixed his stupid lips to say that story was “likely” a “fabrication.” Once Fuentes was arrested, Yost released a single-sentence statement: “We rejoice anytime a child rapist is taken off the streets.” Absolutely disgusting behavior all around. 

Let’s take a breather: The news is terrible. Look at this Stevie Shao banger from last week.

At Barrio: The Mexican restaurant fired nine front-of-house workers last week after they walked out in protest over tip-handling and wages, reports CHS Blog. According to a social media post from a Barrio worker, the walkout was only meant to be temporary and the workers have also called on patrons to boycott the business.

Now is a great time for a European vacation: The euro and dollar have reached parity for the first time in 20 years as the European currency experienced a 12% decline thanks to the coming energy crisis and the looming recession. Bloomberg says that “parity may not be the end point, but merely a stepping stone to further weakness.” When I lived in (sort of rural) Spain, my rent to share a three-bedroom apartment was around €150, a cup of coffee was €1, and I could eat a fresh meal for under €12. If you can stand the threat of global economic collapse, Portugal is nice this time of year.

Greek and Roman sculptures: IN COLOR!!!

For your listening pleasure: TOPS’ “Perfected Steps” off their superb new EP Empty Seats.