Whales really wanted to make themselves known in 2022! Joel Rogers / Getty



"It's the 21st century, after all"

I'm pretty sure our entire government is held together by a few Cobol scripts running on windows 3.1


Santos is dead meat. He seems to be the last one to know.


it’s good for the plants


@2. santos lied his way fair and square into the office. Trump was his exemplar. Why would he give up now?


How does losing roughly 4 to 5% of egg production translate into a roughly 65% price increase?


with profiteeres
and price gougers
it don't take Much


Orcas and gray whales are out to see and be seen because they want to live. And we need to protect and reserve their species from extinction. It's the GOP that needs to go extinct.

@1 Brent Gumbo: It's amazing that even in the 21st Century how many in power are hellbent on keeping us in the Dark Ages.

@2 dvs99 and @6 bertha: +2 Agreed, seconded, and thirded!

@5 pat L: Trump needs to be convicted and cornholed raw in the federal pigpen STAT.
Otherwise, George Santos and everyone like him will just continue to follow the Orange Turd's criminal lead.

@7 AdNauseum: One word: greed.


@9: AAAIIGHHH!!! Again, the typos! Griz really needs to consume red wine when posting.
Make that: "Orcas and gay whales are out to see and be seen because they want to live. And we need to protect and preserve their species from extinction. It's the GOP that needs to go extinct."


At least the Buffalo Bills' Damar Hamlin won the Game of Life after goring into cardiac arrest. Lisa Marie Presley, only child of singer / actor Elvis Presley and actress Priscilla Presley wasn't as fortunate. Rest in peace, Lisa Marie.


@14: Not f@#$ing AGAIN!!! It is so strange how I mistype the worst when fully sober. Go figure. I blame my brain working faster than my fingers can accurately type, and the idiotic monstrosity that is Autocorrect.
Correction: "At least the Buffalo Bills' Damar Hamlin won the Game of Life after going into cardiac arrest..."

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