
In a story that is constantly mutating, director Simon Chung mines the territory between gay and straight, love and obsession. After 10 years apart, one friend travels to Australia to catch up with the other. If Jamie has moved on with his life, Kevin had a breakdown from which he is still recovering. From out of the blue, he relocates to Hong Kong where he insinuates himself into Jamie’s life—staying at his apartment, working at his tutorial center, and hanging out with his girlfriend. When a student pursues one of the men, long-buried secrets rise to the surface, forcing a reckoning with the past.

I Miss You When I See You screens tonight and tomorrow (May 18-19) at the 44th annual Seattle International Film Festival, which happens May 18-June 10. Showtimes for here; more recommended SIFF films here; and all SIFF films here.