
Please help! My husband and I severely divided over sex! Panties are a huge turn on for my husband. He wants me to wear them most of the time we have sex. I don’t like lingerie. Sex feels so much better for me without the underwear. I’m willing to do it for him, but he wants me to like it too. Would it be a libido killer to trade off on panties/no panties every other time we have sex? I just don’t see him going for this.

Panties Are Not That Interesting, Ever, Sorry

Your husband wants you to wear panties "most of the time" when you're have sexing—presumably crotchless or "barely there" panties that can he can work around. You don't like wearing panties during sex... because, I'm guessing, they're uncomfortable. (Here's hoping they're not triggering or traumatizing.)

Your proposed solution—wearing panties every other time—seems perfectly reasonable and, besides, it's not as if he needs you to wear panties every single time in order to perform; you're only wearing them "most of the time" right now and he's perfectly capable of getting it up and getting if off without 'em. If cutting back to every other time kills libido dead—if he really requires panties—maybe you could opt for some pantie-adjacent sex, i.e. a few pairs panties strewn on the bed, a pair of panties around your ankle.

Or, hey, he could wear 'em.


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