Jim Jordan is right about one thing, impeachment investigations should have started about ten minutes after Mueller's report hit the desks of Congress, or ten minutes after he finished giving testimony at the very latest. That should not have passed with no repercussions because it was absolutely damning.
Personally I would have started them as soon as Trump fired Comey to cover his ass about his attempt to cover his ass over Flynn, but I'm not as complacent as Congress.
All these chummy Ohio tuna cans are up there circle jerking same narrative and throwing around the reddest of herrings, and I like how Jim Jordan, who just got shoed-in to the Intelligence community five days ago, is supposed to have anything substantial in his questioning or experience as a wrestling coach facing sexual harassment charges to share equal time with actual intelligence professionals.
Political theatre to distract the American public from the sins being committed against the country's national parks, safety standards, air quality, the EPA, etc., etc. This is all BS to entertain the gullible fools who have no idea what is REALLY going on while they are watching a bunch of fat cats drone on for the TV cameras. They are all guilty of treason and should be voted out. But they won't be because we're stupid, lazy and spoiled. We're all going to die by incineration and take down Gaia with us. Stupid humans.
@2: Take off that ridiculous MAGA cap before your wilted water balloon of a brain leaves a puddle in the hall.
@10 Lastlight: Never mind @9. Laughing Boy's got his BVDs in a wad because they cancelled Super Friends on Channel 4 and his mom still won't let him use the car after 40 years.
@1 it was pretty poor. Everybody knew what Mueller was saying-not-saying with his double negative, but it wasn't flashy enough to be politically expedient to do their Constitutional job.
@12 Lissa: You're too kind. @2 and @9 both sound like they desperately need a diaper change and a recharge for their extra wide motorized wheelchairs, the kind with the big flashing red lights in the rear end that go "Beep...Beep...Beep" when backing up.
Except nobody's home to help them, much less offer warm milk, cookies, and a cuddle.
I'm always struck by how the Republicans spend so much time arguing epistemology. Is it possible that you misheard? Have you ever gone into a meeting without total knowledge of the outcome? If you don't a case attack the witness. If the witness is unimpeachable attack the very idea of objective reality.
Jim Jordan is at least consistent. He applies the same standard to these hearings as he did to complaints of sexual abuse. Can you imagine what it like reporting suspected abuse to this guy and having him brush you off like this? They allowed a serial predator to abuse many more victims because he and others looked the other way.
Cool, cool, cool. If someone told your kids coach that he saw a guy jerking off in the shower and he didn't do or say shit about it you would definitely vote coach into office, right?
Fortunately, according to legal experts, this claim is just Trump hot air. "Natural-born citizen" is accepted by law to mean "born as a U.S. citizen," regardless of place of birth.
So start passing out the campaign buttons and cue the theme songs -- military kids born overseas can absolutely become U.S. presidents or vice presidents.
Under U.S. law, a child born overseas to at least one U.S. citizen who has spent at least five years of their life physically living in the U.S. (and at least two of those years being after they were 14-years-old) is a U.S. citizen as long as her parents apply for (and receive) a consular report of birth abroad for that child.
@17, @19, & @22: Trumpty Dumpty is laughing at YOU, Baby Hughey. Are you feeling a diaper rash? Did your motorized highchair run out of gas? Getting sick of strained peas and pablum?
Jim Jordan is right about one thing, impeachment investigations should have started about ten minutes after Mueller's report hit the desks of Congress, or ten minutes after he finished giving testimony at the very latest. That should not have passed with no repercussions because it was absolutely damning.
Personally I would have started them as soon as Trump fired Comey to cover his ass about his attempt to cover his ass over Flynn, but I'm not as complacent as Congress.
Great retort by Welch though.
Why didn't they ask everyone for their preferred pronouns? Bunch of bigots!
All these chummy Ohio tuna cans are up there circle jerking same narrative and throwing around the reddest of herrings, and I like how Jim Jordan, who just got shoed-in to the Intelligence community five days ago, is supposed to have anything substantial in his questioning or experience as a wrestling coach facing sexual harassment charges to share equal time with actual intelligence professionals.
@2: Oh honey. Your squirming fills my tender heart with pity for you.
Never forget: the Mueller investigation was started by Republicans.
Which Google translates from Dipshit to (phonetic) English as:
Political theatre to distract the American public from the sins being committed against the country's national parks, safety standards, air quality, the EPA, etc., etc. This is all BS to entertain the gullible fools who have no idea what is REALLY going on while they are watching a bunch of fat cats drone on for the TV cameras. They are all guilty of treason and should be voted out. But they won't be because we're stupid, lazy and spoiled. We're all going to die by incineration and take down Gaia with us. Stupid humans.
I don't think they're upset. I think they're laughing at the patheticness of @2.
@2: Take off that ridiculous MAGA cap before your wilted water balloon of a brain leaves a puddle in the hall.
@10 Lastlight: Never mind @9. Laughing Boy's got his BVDs in a wad because they cancelled Super Friends on Channel 4 and his mom still won't let him use the car after 40 years.
@9: No, no, no Punkin! PC206 is sad and needs the milk and cookies. Go give him a cuddle.
@1 it was pretty poor. Everybody knew what Mueller was saying-not-saying with his double negative, but it wasn't flashy enough to be politically expedient to do their Constitutional job.
@12 Lissa: You're too kind. @2 and @9 both sound like they desperately need a diaper change and a recharge for their extra wide motorized wheelchairs, the kind with the big flashing red lights in the rear end that go "Beep...Beep...Beep" when backing up.
Except nobody's home to help them, much less offer warm milk, cookies, and a cuddle.
I'm always struck by how the Republicans spend so much time arguing epistemology. Is it possible that you misheard? Have you ever gone into a meeting without total knowledge of the outcome? If you don't a case attack the witness. If the witness is unimpeachable attack the very idea of objective reality.
Jim Jordan is at least consistent. He applies the same standard to these hearings as he did to complaints of sexual abuse. Can you imagine what it like reporting suspected abuse to this guy and having him brush you off like this? They allowed a serial predator to abuse many more victims because he and others looked the other way.
Cool, cool, cool. If someone told your kids coach that he saw a guy jerking off in the shower and he didn't do or say shit about it you would definitely vote coach into office, right?
As part of all impeachment trails a majority vote is REQUIRED to be held as to
@19 I'm coming over to burp you and change your diaper.
Fortunately, according to legal experts, this claim is just Trump hot air. "Natural-born citizen" is accepted by law to mean "born as a U.S. citizen," regardless of place of birth.
So start passing out the campaign buttons and cue the theme songs -- military kids born overseas can absolutely become U.S. presidents or vice presidents.
Under U.S. law, a child born overseas to at least one U.S. citizen who has spent at least five years of their life physically living in the U.S. (and at least two of those years being after they were 14-years-old) is a U.S. citizen as long as her parents apply for (and receive) a consular report of birth abroad for that child.
The end.
@17, @19, & @22: Trumpty Dumpty is laughing at YOU, Baby Hughey. Are you feeling a diaper rash? Did your motorized highchair run out of gas? Getting sick of strained peas and pablum?