Someones Dirty Thirty celebration gone wrong.
Someone's Dirty Thirty celebration gone wrong. Jasmyne Keimig
This picture was taken in mid-September when it was still kind of warm. Peak Virgo season. Outside the Rancho Bravo on E Pine, it seemed like someone who was celebrating their thirtieth birthday received balloons, got drunk, and ate at Rancho Bravo. But instead of taking their balloons with them, this person of thirty years simply let the forces of nature take over, leaving these golden mylar balloons to get stuck in the branches of the tree just outside the restaurant. As of 20 minutes ago, the balloons are STILL THERE.

Mylar balloons in public spaces are no joke—Seattle City Light even published a blog post this summer warning about the dangers of mylar balloons interacting with power lines. According to Erik Nyhus, City Light Transmission and Distribution Field Operation Supervisor, the balloons "introduce a path for electricity to flow in our system that is not supposed to be there. When the balloons touch an energized piece of equipment, it’s possible for the electricity to travel in a way that can cause power outages ranging from a few customers to a few thousand."

Look at this video!! The drama!!!:

I just went outside and—at my 5'6" height—I can't reach to tear these babies down. Anyone have a ladder?

20 minutes ago! Still there, who has a ladder?
The leaves have changed colors so you know I'm not LYING. JK