

Red states like Misery know attacking China attracts trumpfy's affections; ANY thing atall to Deflect from Hair Furor's inept mishandling of his one and only Crisis. So far.

Watch out for trolling trollt Trolls, they'll soon be here, re-writng History when they should be fleeing like rats from trumpfy's now-failing/nearly sunk deeply-rotten state of mind.


i'm really impressed by how calm that photographer was. in my experience, close encounters w/ wildlife are quite frightening. you really don't realize how big and powerful wild animals are until you are up close. if they want to fuck you up, you will be fucked up.


@ 4,

Prezinazi AntiChrist and his billionaire cronies have financial stakes in the company that makes hydroxycholoroquine, so that's why he was up there for weeks hawking it as Dr. Tr666p's Miracle Cure, even though the military vets/lab rats they tested it on at the VA died at much higher rates.

Imagine serving your country and then being killed in a VA hospital to make these despicable, thuggish oligarchs even more rich.

There's no longer any difference now between big business, the federal government, and organized crime in America.


I'm so please to see Molly Harmon and her work creating Little Free Pantries get recognized. As a member of the Seattle chapter of the Awesome foundation it was my pleasure to meet her when we awarded her the grant for her project last summer. She is a lovely person who cares deeply for her community, especially those in need.


@5,@8, @9 Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Moose are one of the nastiest, most temperamental creatures out there. Don't mess with a moose. They are fast, too, even in the snow: (skip to about the 1:30 mark if you are impatient).


If anyone's curious how this is all going to play out over the coming year, read up on the 1998 Russian Financial Crisis. The causes are somewhat dissimilar, however the results are the same. We're at the stage now where well-connected kleptocratic oligarchs are looting the treasury and stealing everything they can get their hands on, while their puppets in the national government pronounce that everything's fine, keep shopping, nothing to worry about.

The way big businesses and the banks openly stole a huge amount of the Paycheck Protection Program relief money may cause the masses to realize that they're watching Grand Theft Nation occur right in front of their faces.


Yeah well, until Seattle decides to tax income and tax the huge corporations making billions in revenue, they are going to exist in a tax hole forever.

The reasons people like Kemp want Georgia reopened is because they don't have any tax revenue to care for the people in their states, so force them "back to work" and they either lose everything with no ability to get financial assistance or they lose their lives by getting sick and dying.

Meanwhile huge corporations took all of the small business money in the stimulus package and will most likely take the next round, too.


@3 Yeah, more people in the U. S. have confirmed cases of the virus then ever. It stands to reason that confirmed cases are similar to unconfirmed, which means that more people have it than ever. This means your chances of catching it are higher than ever. If anything, we should be increasing the amount of social distancing.

To be clear, it is possible that some actions were too extreme, or even counter productive. (For example, the park closure). Small changes here and there are reasonable.

But overall, we are in worse shape than ever. If we get sufficient testing supply (so that we can test millions of people each day) then we could take a less blunt approach. But for now, we have to hope that the current approach works, and that we can reduce the number of people who actually have the disease.


I was thinking there was at least a small chance the moose was gonna get his hand bit off when he reached out to pet the thing on it's nose. How is it people still don't know not to pet wildlife? I remember a few years ago some shitheads had their infant child injured (killed?) when they tried setting it on top of a bison's head for a photo in Yellowstone or somewhere. I also think they may have then sued.


@3: I took Dr. Birx "get creative" comment as a subtle (but unsuccessful) way of being sarcastic to give an answer without upsetting Donald.


Wow, this is a pretty productive conversation this morning. Forgive my amazement.

I'm thinking about how all these well-connected big businesses are swooping in taking the paycheck protection money intended for small businesses, and in addition to the abject failure to prevent this from happening, there's something else that should be there but I doubt is—a fucking federal web site where you can go and look up where the money went. Easiest thing in the world to do, but just further evidence of how fucked up America is that (correct me if I'm wrong) there is no such thing and there will not be such a thing.


Sargon Bighorn @7: "Because the city refuses to behave like the rest of society, tightening the belt when times are bad and saving like a responsible care taker/administrator when times are good they leave themselves no alternative…."

On one level, I agree with you. The state of California has a huge rainy-day fund they're able to tap into now. Check the story on about Gov. Gavin Newsom. Credit CA for some fiscal responsibility during the Jerry Brown years, including both raising taxes and reining in spending. It seems like during the Ed Murray years, city spending was an undisciplined free-for-all, like here's all this money we have coming in; let's just spend it 'cause it's there.

On the other hand, belt-tightening by cities and counties and states right now is apt to create a downward spiral, a self-fulfilling feedback loop. The answer of course a federal bailout for states and municipalities, which the Democrats have been talking about. Now, as to how that can be done in a fair and non-wasteful way—well, thankfully I'm not the one who has to figure that out.


A bailout for Seattle?
Fuck No.


"First U.S. COVID death wasn't in Kirkland....";
finding cases and deaths a month earlier than what had previously been thought to be the first cases, esp cases caused by community contact, blows the whole narrative the 'experts' have been trumpeting.
Science, like Journalism, is dead in Leftist America; replaced by advocates whoring themselves to push the party story-line.

The People see thru the BullShit,
are not fooled,
are not amused.

The Wisdom of the Masses beats out Leftist Propagandas, every time.


I trust the free little pantry in Media is well stocked with Beluga caviar, capers, and little bottles of extra virgin olive oil.

@23: agreed!


*in Medina


Sen. Angus King of Maine advises his social distancing constituents to stay "one moose apart".


Gosh, far far FAR 'right' trolling trolly Trolls are Late this a.m., but still, nevertheless Projecting:

"Science, like Journalism, is dead in Leftist America; replaced by advocates whoring themselves to push the party story-line."

Our Constitutionally-guaranteed Fourth Estate was sold piecemeal, down-river by Republican Richy Riches -- welkkkome to kkkorporate Amerikkka's for-Profit Propaganda Mouthpieces, who never saw any 'Science' they liked.


@30: Mother Earth is forever proud of one her favorite sons, Richard Nixon:


Re Seattle shortfall- immediately fire ALL non-essential government employees. Fuck 'em.


Q: Has social distancing stamped out the ordinary flu to the extent that if you do start feeling bad, it is more likely to be covid-19? I recall hearing someone say that in the media, but hard to google that.


@ 38,

So China crashed its own economy to “own the libs?”

That’s right up there with “why would anyone create a bioweapon that would only kill 2% to 4% of its target?”

If you’re going to spread conspiracy theories, at least come up with some that aren’t inherently self-contradictory and illogical.


Let us help you kids out:

1 The virus has been around longer than the experts thought

2 Many many more people have had it, and gotten over it, than show up in the statistics
(they never showed up because most people who get will will show no symptoms;
the overwhelming majority of those who show symptoms have mild symptoms that, esp before the media hysteria, were easy to mistake for the common flu)

3 It is far far less lethal than the experts have been saying. may now resume your previously scheduled freak out...


" Little Free Pantries"

Yeah, my neighbor likes to feed raccoons and pigeons too. Now wee have a raccoon and pigeon problem.


“why would anyone create a bioweapon that would only kill 2% to 4% of its target?”

To be fair, it is Chinese-made.

It does seem to love obese people though so hopefully the "healthy at any weight" mob will see the light.



Almost all testing to this point has been on people with symptoms.
The LA study sampled an apparently healthy representative sample to see how many folks in the general population had or had had the virus.


David in Shoreline @42, not trying to have an argument here. Just curious to get what outputs I get from the following inputs.

Can you at least agree that CA is in far better financial shape now after nine years of Jerry Brown and the Gavinator than it was at the end of the Gubernator's reign?


CNN has several articles with links to the original studies.




Think creatively. Two reported LA deaths from early feb., could that mean something -beyond- the pet bias you desperately push at every keystroke, hoping somehow the global population has misidentified & misjudged a mild, endemic illness?

Consider, maybe extremely likely that 2x people returned home to LA (huge region) after aquiring SARS-CoV-2 China (huge region, hypothetical origin of new disease) and falling ill/dying at home isolated from the public? Kind of like how exactly that happened in WA late Feb. only our person was healthy, young, sought treatment & that's how we learned about one infected traveller?
Linked article said only they died at home & were tested post-hoc. A half-dozen possibilities abound, before we reach -your- implausible fever dream of choice.


Chris Cuomo has arisen from his basement tomb wearing a red MAGA hat and declared he is tired of shilling for the lying Democraps.


You are just jealous because mom liked us better.


Raindrop @ 33
Yes, Richard Nixon also started the EPA. Sadly some white house residents only fight it till this very day.

David @ 46
Cress @ 52
Not to mention that California was in pretty good shape when Arnold got elected.


David @65, that was a yes/no question I asked @52. ;-)


@44: Oh 404 :)
That's not how they work, but then you've never let facts get in the way of an opportunity to demonstrate what shitty person you are.


Fire all school staff except teachers and principals. Don't need nurses, lunch ladies, vice principals, para-educators, librarians, etc. No scheduled raises. They need to make the sacrifice, you know, for the children. they can re-apply after the lockdown.


@40 - The Trump administration is willing to crash the entire country to own the libs. I don't see why President Pooh Bear might not do the same.

@44 - your neighbor has thoughtfully provided you with fresh hor'doeuvres free for the taking. Mmmmm. Squab and raccoon stew will see you through the coming financial crisis.


Seems kinda weird to single out LA Fitness, seeing as how they suspended all membership payments back in March.


@71, are you sure you're not confusing them with 24 Hour Fitness? I'm aware of 24 suspending payments back in March.

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