

Okay, perhaps Covid will prove indomitable and cause a mass exodus from our blighted urban landscapes.
But, you know, you look back through history and there have been any number of pandemics and urbanism always comes roaring back. And Seattle is simply an inherently nice place to be.
You can be confident it has a bright future...the old real-estate shibboleth- location, location, location.


Charles, I believe you misattribute the actions of the Proust passage to Charlus when it should be poor Swann himself.


Both TikTok and FB will be torn apart by the EU UK and Canada, and the US will be forced to accept their dissolution. This is the only reason that Twitter will survive, other than the inevitable autoplay pirate scandal in 2025.

Indoor dining won't die, but anti-billionaire activists will lead sting operations to shut down high end restaurants that fund and assist the GOP, many of which will succeed. This is also part of what will kill FB.

Tuition riots won't actually work, but we will see book prices finally drop, and the rise of mini-pod student dorms due to the COVID Crisis.

Tokyo 2021 will happen and be a roaring success. My sister and I and our families are all going. It's going to be great watching it!

Vaccines will become available in 2021, but low adoption rates will make the rest of 2021 a nightmare until President Biden imposes a nationwide mask requirement.


@4 The Bonehead: Gee----the barely concealed bald spot under your MAGA cap has just gotta be YUUUUUUGE! Is it fun having a butt crack deeper than the Grand Canyon, too? Does anyone else besides you get lost in it?


@4 Dude, you really need to lay off the meth, and get some remedial education.


Not unless the economy recovers by voting day.

When people vote, the economy will be above riots on the list of stuff they care about.

That's history.


Yup, It's the economy, stupid!
Still true after all these years!


Trump will literally do whatever it takes to stay in power and out of prison. He’ll use Federal uniformed paramilitaries to suppress the vote in key polling locations on November. If he still loses, he will claim mass electoral fraud with postal votes, and seek to have all postal votes invalidated.

It also seems possible he will run with Ivanka as VP. Then somewhere during his second term he can stand down and have her take over, and shield him from the law. And that’s how you start a hereditary dictatorship.




Look dude, most people aren't personally affected by riots, or viruses, or what-have-you... but they ARE personally affected by things costing more than they used to cost... i.e., the economy. Their grocery brand cheese is 3 dollars a block when it used to be 2 dollars a block. That's the shit they notice, and even though it's not the fault of the fucking President of the United States that the price of their generic cheese went up, that's who they blame. And that's who they'll vote out come election day if things don't change.

That's really not hysterical at all. People are by and large predictable and oblivious, and they'll vote based on what is personally affecting them right at this very moment. And right at this very moment things ain't too great for them--economically--under Trump. But who knows... a lot can happen in a few months to distract easily distracted people. I'm sure we'll see lots of sideshow gimmicks and "October surprises" come up. Still, the fucking POTUS needs to step up to the plate and calm the lemmings if he wants to win, and right now he's doing the opposite.


I look at Trump as being the absolute worst POTUS we've ever had. Then I remember that Democrats lost to him. To Donald Trump. I have no confidence that Biden will defeat Trump, especially when the under 25 crowd sits out elections at 80%. It's soul crushing that these young people are so vapid and careless about saving the country.


TheOne... true troll.


My prediction is that the election will be extremely close. I've no opinion on which way it will swing, only that it will not be a landslide. I also think voter turn out will be low. I'm extremely skeptical of all these polls saying Biden is in the lead, but also yes Trump's support has dropped off.

In my personal life, I know a lot of people who vote Republican, and absolutely zero of them plan to vote for Biden. Most blame the Democrats for the economic decline, and many of them see calls for more unemployment benefits etc as part of a socialist plot. I do know some Republicans who were enthusiastic to vote for Trump who have since become disillusioned and who probably can't be bothered to vote this time around. But I also don't know many on the progressive/left side of things who plan to vote either, esp given Biden's embrace of neocons and former Bush Jr admin officials.

The third parties are not as well-known this time- that could tip the voting either way. Biden does not carry the baggage that Hillary carried, so there will be fewer people motivated to vote against him. OTOH he is unpopular among most people under 40 and hated by many immigrant demographics- again this might be regional? I will not be surprised by either winning. The only thing that would surprise me would be a landslide, but these are odd times and who knows...


Also I think many people who talk about Trump either seizing power or attempting to do so need to stop thinking in terms of what totalitarianism looked like in the early 20th century. Americans spend too much time watching The History Channel.

If there is a power grab, it will not be about Trump losing and then refusing to leave the White House necessitating a military removal etc. Nothing so blatant will happen. They will either win the election straight out or they will muddy the waters around it so much through voter disenfranchisement and other shenanigans -including months of media narratives questioning things like voting methods (machines, contractors, mail-in ballots, funding, polling station workers/hours) that there might be confusion around the results, and the American public will be primed for it. Then it will go to the courts, where it will be decided in favor of the GOP, and the Democrats will roll over and accept it. I think if Biden did win in an all-out landslide, this would be impossible, but I think it's nearly guaranteed that the Republicans will start their efforts now and continue them through the fall and winter if it is close.

I can also think of several very unlikely scenarios in which the elections will be cancelled altogether or else post-poned though something big would have to happen between now and then for that to become possible. As I said, highly unlikely, but I don't remember a time when it was ever even possible so we have to recognize that we are in new territory.

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