

Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, GOODBYE!


Drain the swamp!


Good thing there's no money trail to Russia which would expose other things that could then ...



The righteous, rise.


I am old enough to remember when the NRA was an actual legitimate organization, devoted to hunting and gun safety. I took a shooting class as a boy scout that was sponsored by the NRA. And while I've not fired a gun since, I still remember some of the instructions.

But for the last forty years or so, it's been a nightmare. Even Oliver North thinks so. I'm glad to see it go. Maybe something like the old NRA will rise in its place.



@6: Agreed, I'm also just old enough to remember the NRA as a reasonable institution, though the nuts were definitely starting to take over the nuthouse by then. My father put me through Hunter's Ed and to this day, I still get angry when I see poor muzzle control (the most important lesson they had to teach) exhibited by others.

My father had an NRA sticker in the back of his '86 Chevy Silverado. I loved driving that beast, but even in high school, I cringed a bit at the presence of that sticker.


Ya gotta hand it to the Evilungelicals; they're gonna stop all the 'bortions so your baby can die from a bullet through the head in a school shooting, just like Jayzus wants.

It's the RepubliKKKan KKKulture of Life.



I saw the same thing with people who bought Colt AR-15's in the pre-AWB days: all my relatives would laugh at and razz anybody who showed up at a range with one of those, because they weren't considered "real sporting rifles" by gun owners who actually depended on game meat to get them through the winter.


I grew up riding in my dad’s trucks, all of them had NRA Lifetime Membership stickers. My dad dropped his membership when the NRA backed “cop killer” bullets. I don’t remember when that was. I do remember that my father passed away in 1988.


Firearms are safe and fun when properly handled.


Can't wait to see the torchlight parade at his house when the chumps realize not only did he take down their little clubhouse, but he stole all the candy money on the way out


Fuckin' A--you GO, NY AG Tish James---kick NRA ass and take NAMES!

@8 Original Andrew: I know, right? And it's s'pposed to serve and protect their Free Dumbs......


Dear NY State Attorney General,
Thank you for helping to make the NRA a better organization, able to provide members with the services and representation they are entitled to.

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