The very first show to arrive on Netflix is Moesha, a series which followed the life of Moesha Mitchell (played by theeee R&B singer and legend Brandy Norwood), a teen living in Leimert Park, Los Angeles with her family. Airing from 1996 to 2001, Moesha was immensely popular during its six-season run and syndication for its quirky, Black teen girl lead and the distinctly Black fashion and hairstyles featured on the show.
“The show’s vision was of a cool young Black girl who was brave and creative in her life, and that [carried] over in her style," Sara Finney-Johnson, co-creator of Moesha, told GARAGE in an interview last year.
Particularly, Moesha's box braids that Brandy rocked both on and off the show have become iconic. So much so, that fans melted down last year when a rumor got out that Brandy's fastidiously done microbraids were ACTUALLY part of a lacefront wig (spoiler: the actress-singer's hairstylist Deedra Cole resolutely debunked that myth, saying her braids really did take hours).
Like in the fifth episode of the first season, "Reunion", when a freshly 16-year-old Moesha goes on a date with Matt ('90s white boy of the month-cum-cult leader Andrew Keegan), a boy she knew in preschool and reconnected with only recently after he moved away years ago. After some tense experiences in both the white and Black hangout spots, they end up breaking it off. It's typical millennium-era interracial dating fair for the kids, but Moesha's half-space buns, half-down look coupled with a tight denim vest and jeans is a playful and glamorous look that I think establishes her as a creative and grounded girl.
So it was interesting when Matt's friend interrupted their date, here:
All six seasons of Moesha are currently available to stream on Netflix.