

News I Like: Journalism.

News I Don't Like: Radical OtherSide Propaganda.

Get over yourself. Left and Right are myths. There's only Rich and Not Rich. And you're not rich.


When the cops are the fascists, there will be no answers for anyone murdered by them or their co-conspirators.


Murder is correct in the LEGAL sense. You do not get to run over a person and leave the scene and have it called anything other than murder, especially when committing murder by vehicle in the name of white supremacist terrorism.

In case you have forgotten:
James Fields, who ran his vehicle into protesters in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer, was charged with first degree murder.
and then
Man Who Killed Heather Heyer at Charlottesville Sentenced to Life In Prison, Plus 419 Years



You're a failure as a human being.

Also, I'm confused by the line, "The driver fled the scene on foot after hitting Sean, leaving behind a black SUV."

They've got a car and weren't able to garner any leads from it? From the tags/registration/VIN, etc? Not sure if that sentence is maybe just in need of a clarifying edit.



In that case your mother must have been a veritable monster, because look how you turned out...


@8 Regarding that SUV: in order to solve a mystery, you must first want to solve it. I suspect PPB figured they could get a lot of intelligence on Portland Leftists if they "investigated" the murder of one, and had no intention of actually figuring out who committed the crime that led to that young man's death.


No wonder most people don’t trust the cops.

This mother deserves compassion and support to have lost her son who was indeed murdered because of his politics. Funny, with all the clues the DA and staff can’t come up with a solution. We know why because they are allied with the Trumpers who are kkk. They were looking for intelligence on Portland activists exactly and not interested in finding the murderer.


Fuck you The Stranger, you used to speak the truth now you just write fucking nonsense without any facts. Jesus fucking christ.
"Sean Daniel Kealiher, 23, was killed near the Cider Riot pub after being hit by a car that had been fired upon with live rounds. His friends dragged his body away and did not call the police."
An excerpt from a September 2014 zine by Kealiher titled, “Why Break Windows” reads: “From the simple smashing of windows to the placement of a bomb or the robbing of the bank, our actions are heard and felt rather than ignored and treated as everyday life.” “The attack is the most beautiful moment an anarchist can undertake. Feeling the adrenaline of rushing to a window with a rock in hand, or the moments before striking a cop with your fist. Planting the bomb, pulling the trigger, shouting f— the police!”
In the final paragraph of his “Manifesto Against Schools,” it reads: “We all die anyway, and we will be miserable somehow and somewhere, so why sit by when you can burn? Why sit in your room, dreading going to school? You need not have to, especially when you can BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN.”

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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