Thanks to the inevitable conclusion of 2020’s The Summer That Wasn’t, we are now bumpily cruising into fall, and thereby Halloween season. You may be saying to yourself: “Hey asshole, I didn’t even get to waggle around in my favorite shit swamp, Lake Washington, this year.” So I’ll respond in kind: Listen up, fucko. The Pacific Northwest was made for fall. This is our fucking season. We thrive in darkness, solitude, and moisture. Spiders are literally birthing en masse right this second so that our porches and car mirrors may be dressed in their best webs as the sun turns down earlier and earlier. This is our time to patiently sit through this uncontrollable wildfire smog, then don our best comfy sweater and pick out our favorite seat on the couch for three days’ worth of creepy-crawly movies that can lead us into the season that is our birthright.
Doing that festive labor for us this year is Crypticon, the annual horror film festival that is now online thanks to insert-2020-extenuating-circumstance-here. This weekend fest, now in its 14th year, serves up the full horror spectrum in a series of shorts (plus one feature film) that run the gamut from gross to gory and eerie to electrifying. If your favorite season of American Horror Story was 1984, I highly recommend the “In the Woods” film block. Have a nasty fantasy about boning Viggo Mortensen in The Road? Then buy a ticket to “Traveling Fears & More!” Or go right ahead and buy a weekend pass to get access to each delicious morsel of sick, twisted, pre-Halloween action.
Since you can't technically go outside right now, we hope you’ll stay in and join us for a weekend of thrills right here on StreamLocal.