Tech Feb 11, 2021 at 11:25 am



Interesting article.

Unfortunately, there is a sort of terrifying downside to all this sex toy technology (that has nothing to do with furries). Not all that hacking is innocent fun. There was an article on Vice just a couple of weeks ago about wifi chastity cages being hacked and locked, then the cagee is extorted for bitcoin in order to get unlocked.

So while VR furry virtual sex, with an assist from digital sex toys sounds like titillating fun, there's no way I'd stick something in my body that someone else has digital control over without better security. It sounds like some of these devices are intentionally developed to give users the ability to hack them for more fun, but that seems highly risky.

You should do a follow-up and ask if any of these guys worries about being hacked and extorted, either the developers or the users.


I'm less worried about a butt plug than a Chasity cage.

They have an a physical off button and most of the exploits for things like that are local bluetooth and less likely to do anything dangerous past buzzing me. It's more an attack surface question and this has a very limited attack surface.

It's not a think one has in them all time and limited scope for hacking unlike the edge case of something that locks your genitals down, That's just a bad idea all around.


@1 I saw that article and it seems kind of far-fetched. Maybe it was all some elaborate role play drama? Because how could you extort somebody for more than the value of the chastity device? You can't tell me its impossible to remove one of those things in spite of the lock.

Still, internet security is a genuine problem. There should be sanctions for companies that fail to secure customer data. And body parts.


Wow, Homophobic much?


VR rules, cybersex or no. It's wild how intense trying out another body can be (especially if you're the type to wants to be a cartoon animal)


VR makes me hurl, but there's likely a fetish for that too so its all good.

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