

Indoor plants , some of which are super hardy, can bring you back to growing life. Yes, tough scary wtf is this, times.


Plant bulbs in the fall, then you get daffodils and tulips in the early spring. It helps!


In April 2020, I rode the bus M-F to clean the bloodied instruments from the O.R. Through June 2021--every weekday--it was the mask, the bus, the PPE and the bloodied instruments cleaned by soaking, scrubbing, spraying with water and forced air. Imagine breathing in that aerosolized space. Imagine one's mind at the end of that night, at the end of last June--at the end of yesterday. My studio apartment is a kind refuge for which I'm profoundly grateful.


Can I have that catalpa. Mine hasn't grown 6" in four years. Next year it's headed for the yard waste bin.


This comic has an existential quality to it.

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