

Yeah, the call for unity without actually building unity, that is always a winning strategy.

And @1 it has a lot more to do with her dumbass big dragnet way of approaching it, and that continual tendency to assert without evidence.


So the new Republican city attorney is coming for your guns. I bet the NRA didn't see that coming.


Ksama Sawant should have been named City Council President given her unprecedented victory over Democrats last month.


@4 crankybiker: The NRA was too busy in the midst of their U.S. Capitol lootings, shootings, and all other terrorist acts of high treason blaming the Democrats. When the dumbest of the dying MAGA rube masses says, "Wait--whaaaaaat??" it'll be too late.

@5 Garb Garblar: Will do. I'm ready for all members of the MAGA Death Cult to breathe on each other and die. Jesus wept, the irreparable damage to our country the GOP has caused over the past four decades! And it has only exacerbated tenfold ever since Reagan / Daddy Bush went on a mission from Hell to deregulate the banks, cut government services to the poor (like SNAP, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.), overextend the military, completely ignore the intensity of the AIDs crisis among global viruses, and now the COVID pandemic entering its third year, profiteering over suddenly scarce vaccines, while mollycoddling the rich who don't need another penny blast off in oversized dildos into space. If only they'd never return. The only good RepubliKKKans are dead RepublikKKans.


Chase, a pager beeps. That's why it's called a fucking BEEPER. "hehe"




@8 Garb Garblar: Sending big cyber hugs, positrons, and VW beeps. I am ever hopeful that the GOP dies long before we do so that we can still continue to leave something positive for this dying Earth. May justice be served to all members of the MAGA Death Cult. May you sleep well, too, and take care.


Auntie G, don't take this as any support for the GOP death cult, but deregulation and assaults on the safety net are very bipartisan.
The big rush to deregulate actually began with Carter, who deregulated the airlines and trucking. Some of the supply chain problems we face today can be traced back to trucking deregulation, which resulted in the loss of many unionized trucking jobs as they were converted to 'owner operators' (which sounds so much better than share-cropping, which it is more similar to.) Two big offenses in your list, banking deregulation and 'the end of welfare as we know it', were celebrated as accomplishments by Bill Clinton.
Please take your blinders off in regards to the offenses of the Democrats.
I don't go so far as to say that the parties are the same. But we really could use more choices than choosing between pro-diversity neoliberal imperialism and white supremacist patriarchal robber-baron imperialism.


Thanks Bruce for reminding us that poor "vulnerable" landlords who might end up selling their properties for enormous profit are just as much at-risk as vulnerable tenants who may end up on the streets if they can't pay their exorbitant rents...


Of course default control of the National Guard isn't codified, that would make too much sense for our ass-backwards country of yokels. Not that the laws we do have mattered anyway, as witnessed during the previous presidency. Another partisan battle for power is just what this country needed! One that may already be decided if it's up to the kangaroo court.


This must be a first: a Slog post about Ann Davison that doesn’t mention Trump, mention that she once ran as a Republican, or even describe her as conservative.

Good work, Chase Burns … although it makes me wonder how long you’ll last at The Stranger.


If I learned one thing in 2020, property destruction is not violence. Actually violence isn't even violence. Words are the only thing anymore that is violence.


Meanwhile there's a broken window and violence crime wave in the U District that used to be in Fremont too.

One term Mayor.

Can't keep people safe above the Ship Canal.



Don't clutch the pearls too tightly or you might break the entire strand if you were suddenly to discover the Stranger has been using "pointless profanity" since probably its first issue...


@12: I'm not as blindsided as you may think I am, Jon. While both parties have made
substantially historic errors, I will continue to vote Democrat. The Republican Party is now officially the Party of Trump and is far too dangerous and globally destructive to ever again have control of the White House.
Jimmy Carter crusaded for peace, successfully establishing a pact between Egypt and Israel. Carter pursued the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II), and returning the Panama Canal Zone to Panama.
I am amazed that on October 24, 1978 Carter agreed with Cornell University economist Alfred E. Kahn, who insisted that commercial airlines were a business. Most commercial airlines were against deregulation. In 1980 Carter signed into law the Motor Carrier Act deregulating trucking. I agree with you that these decisions were a mistake.
Four decades later and into our third year of a global pandemic, I honestly don't think Jimmy Carter would have seen the extent of such economic damage coming. Carter actually did far more great things for our country than he did in office. At 97 he is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and an ongoing crusader for human rights, dedicating his life to volunteer work. I seriously doubt that Ronald Reagan, any of the Bush die-nasty, least of all Donald J. Trump would ever do the same.
Ronald Reagan declared a war on the poor from his first day in the White House, while raising the federal debt by building up the military and the nuclear arms race, further intensifying the Cold War and nearly starting WWIII with Russia.
George H.W and George "Dubya" Bush are credited with declaring the most destructive and costly wars in American history, The Gulf War and the recently ended Bush II War in Afghanistan. Reason #1 as to why it was dragged so senselessly out over three decades was to protect Bush oil interests in the Middle East. I am a Gulf War veteran. I served my country. When the Clintons and Gores trimmed the porkbarrel fraud, waste, and abuse left by Daddy Bush and Dan Quayle, they downsized the U.S. military. Why is the United States supposed to be a global police force?
If Bill Clinton is guilty of 'the end of welfare as we know it', then why is he credited with bringing the U.S. out of GOP created debt and into an economic surplus? I think Clinton's worst fault as 42nd President it was because he couldn't keep his pants zipped.


@26: To all you young'uns out there, there's your American History lesson that all the willfully misleading mass-produced textbooks from blood red Texas don't want you to know. You're welcome.

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