ROPE BONDAGE--Mistress Matisse and Bondage Master Max present a two-hour "Bondage for Lovers" workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring a 10-foot piece of 3/8-inch rope. Consolidated Works, 410 Terry Ave N, 860-5245, 8 pm, $20 single/$30 couple.


"JUMPERS"--A benefit to celebrate the music and art of alternative sports, including a performance by "Bellingham-based funk outfit" Midget Money, trance and triphop by DJ Billy Summers, visual art, as well as snow and skate films. This event will raise money for the Scott Stamnes Give to Kids Memorial Fund, providing underprivileged youth with the same opportunity to sustain extreme sports-related neck and back injuries as everybody else. Consolidated Works, 410 Terry Ave N, 283-9182, 9 pm, $25 adv/$30 door.


MAN IN BUNNY SUIT--Today is your final opportunity to find a full-grown man in a bunny suit who is sitting in the Northgate Mall solely for the purpose of having his picture taken with you. Northgate Mall, 362-4777, 11 am-6 pm.

TRANSIT OPTIONS--You sit in traffic every day. You spend 45 minutes taking two buses to get from Ballard to Capitol Hill. You will be paying for whatever rapid-transit system the city decides to build. You should attend this forum on mass-transit options, including monorail, light rail, and increased bus service. Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave, 522-3310, 10 am-3 pm, free.


EASTER AT THE ZOO--There's no better place to celebrate the resurrection of Christ than at the Woodland Park Zoo's Rain Forest Food Pavilion, where your prepaid reservation includes a glorious buffet (boasting carved ham, blintzes, assorted pastries, and an omelet station), as well as complimentary photos with the Easter Bunny. Cost does not include zoo admission or parking. Woodland Park Zoo, 5500 Phinney Ave N, 684-4825, 9:30 am, $19.95 adults/$10.95 children age 3-10.


AUDIO WORKSHOP--The first of three Introduction to Digital Recording classes at Jack Straw Productions led by Wrick Wolff, covering the basics of digital audio production. Completion of the JSP Basic Audio Production course or equivalent knowledge is required. Class size is limited to six; participant wallet size is limited to large. Jack Straw Productions, 4261 Roosevelt Way NE, 634-0919, 6:30-10:30 pm, $250.