THURSDAY 7/19/2001

HOUSING FORUM--There are nine candidates for mayor, and tonight those who are not currently in jail and trying to beat an assault charge--Max Englerius, Bob Hegamin, Caleb Schaber, Scott Kennedy, Christal Wood, Paul Schell, Greg Nickels, and Mark Sidran--will answer your questions on housing policy. Our city is in perpetual development, and it will be a good chance to grill 'em on this topic so early in the race. Sponsored by the Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County. Mount Zion Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall, 1634 19th Ave E, 682-9541, 6 pm.

SATURDAY 7/21/2001

HOOD CLASSIC--There might be summer vacation from the textbooks for high school athletes, but there's no break from athletics. Teams from Seattle's illest high schools--Garfield, Franklin, O'Dea, and Rainier Beach--square off in dunk, three-point, and half-court shot contests. Adonai Clothing claims this event will show "what school will be the greatest of all time." How they'll arrive at this decision without taking into account the reputable botany clubs escapes me. But for sure it will show off the young basketball talent this city has been known to offer. Hec Edmundson Pavilion, UW campus, 723-2441, 5 pm, $10. Also Sun July 22, beginning at 5 pm.

SUNDAY 7/22/2001

PINKOS--The Seattle International Human Rights Coalition invites speakers from the Seattle Columbia Committee, the Palestine Information Center, and the politely named Citizens Concerned with the People of Iraq to discuss "Global Ethics: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?" Independent Media Center, 1415 Third Ave, 547-7735, 7-9 pm.

MONDAY 7/23/2001

FILM RAP--Film Rap is a Politically Incorrect-style bimonthly discussion of cinema hosted by Warren Etheredge, founder of Seattle's the WarrenReport. Tonight's panel will focus on "the maturation of comedy," and will attempt to locate the exact point at which Chevy Chase ceased to be funny. How about Fletch Lives? I think he was funny falling down the stairs on Saturday Night Live, but not after he hit the floor. On the Boards, 100 W Roy, 217-9888,, 7:30 pm, $7.

WEDNESDAY 7/25/2001

SADOMASOCHISM--An "exploration" of S&M, including clips from Dutch Dungeon Mistress Monique Van Cleef's documentary, To Ride a Tiger. Explicit, we are warned (with a wink, I think). The Seattle Institute for Sex Therapy, Education, & Research "operates on the principle that sexual energy is a positive expression of human life." Hard to argue with that. Seattle Institute for Sex Therapy, Education, & Research, 100 NE 56th St, 522-8588, 8 pm, free.