'Barcode buildings' -- perfect!
I used to take long lunch breaks have a puff and take pics of homes in W Seattle while working on a small project
so much to see so hard to take in with just a naked eye plus you can edit out the commonplace and re-Light
thanks for this Chas!
that is an AWESOME pic and I Do hope Mr Cote has a section on Illum- ination. why need we be deprived of Gorg- eous buildings just 'cause it's Dark out- side? it's Not the Buildings' Fault!
What is the name of his style?
@4: Hodgman up front, Jagr out back.
@6 FTW.
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'Barcode buildings' -- perfect!
I used to take
long lunch breaks
have a puff and take
pics of homes in W Seattle
while working on a small project
so much to see
so hard to take in
with just a naked eye
plus you can edit out the
commonplace and re-Light
thanks for this Chas!
that is an AWESOME pic
and I Do hope Mr Cote
has a section on Illum-
ination. why need we
be deprived of Gorg-
eous buildings just
'cause it's Dark out-
side? it's Not the
Buildings' Fault!
What is the name of his style?
@4: Hodgman up front, Jagr out back.
@6 FTW.