Hustler Video is on a roll, man. When I reviewed This Ain't the Munsters XXX and a gaggle of other X-rated TV-parody titles a couple months ago, I had no idea this one was in production—the parody to top all parodies: This Ain't Star Trek XXX. Seriously. Geeks across the land, let ye rejoice! This one's gonna be BIG. Shit, if Hustler were smart, it would have a booth at this weekend's Emerald City ComiCon. It would sell hundreds of preorders to that sci-fi nerd-herd.
This Ain't Star Trek XXX is the latest in a new series of big budget (for porn) films that go that extra mile (for porn) in their casting, set design, and props. Crikey, just look at the photos. Evan Stone really does look a bit like a young Shatner, no? And Jada Fire as Uhura? HOT! Um, Spock, well, Spock is off. Way off. But then again, Leonard Nimoy is just an inimitable, freaky-looking human.
Star Trek has did-been-done-and-done-again. The franchise has been fetishized a million-billion ways already (remember in the '70s when those creepy housewives started writing all that bizarro fan fiction—called "K/S," short for "Kirk/Spock"—about the Captain and Spock being great big homos? Or those poorly drawn triple-X comic books like Sex Trek and Sperm Trek from the early '90s?). Modern-day sex-hungry trekkies (sekkies?) can buy a membership at—the self-proclaimed "Only Sci-Fi Sex Site" that hosts X-rated image galleries, Trek-related "fantasy" videos, and, of course, a chat room and message board. Other XXX films have also been made—Sex Trek: The Next Penetration, XXX Trek: The Final Orgasm, and Pornstar Trek: Cheap Space Sixty Nine, just to name a few.
So WTF is Hustler doing making it AGAIN? And why do you care? 'Cause Hustler is making TV spoofs their new niche... their new bitch. And they're doing it REALLY well. In a press release on, Hustler Vid stated, "[We've] spared no expense in this production. LFP Studios is buzzing with construction of the lavish sets, which include a bridge complete with Captain's chair and the ship's intricate transporter room." LFP director Jeff Thill went on to say, "Growing up... in the '60s, I never dreamed I'd have the opportunity to see my favorite TV show convincingly re-created and taken to the next level."
I guess, Jeff, you can say a hardcore-sex-film set is "next level." I personally can't wait to see who cracks the first Leonard "Bones" McCoy joke. Gene Roddenberry will roll in his grave. I mean, his ashes will, uh, roll their eyes from deep space.