Daniel Gale

Owner of Bad Monkey Bistro

400 Boren Ave N, 467-1111

So you're the owner of Bad Monkey Bistro. According to your website and my eyes, you used a lot of recycled materials to build this place.

The dining room was formerly three executive offices. Instead of demolishing them, we reused all the lumber. A lot of the layout is a product of what was already here when we moved in. Our socializing lounge was a conference room for the last tenants. We rent it out for small functions.

Your menu has a variety of beers and appetizers I've never tried. What's your favorite beer and appetizer combo?

I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I lean toward lighter ales, like Stella. My favorite appetizer is the crab lollipops.

Besides being a bistro, Bad Monkey is also a piano lounge. I assume you're pretty passionate about music. What can be heard blasting from your car these days?

Nothing—I don't have a car. But because I do booking for Bad Monkey, I listen to lots of local artists. My favorite genre is probably 1920s and '30s jazz.

Me, too! I'm really into Josephine Baker right now. Does the White Gummy Bear shot really have gummy bears in it?

No, but it does taste exactly like a white gummy bear.

Given the name, do patrons of the Bad Monkey Bistro ever throw their own poo around the dining area?

Only if they're very good at aiming for the toilet bowl.