tattooed pool babe

girl at sloop tavern a few weeks ago, you were playing pool and asked me what game i was playing (betrayal at house on the hill)! meet me for a drink?

Message on a Lid

Bubs, Thought I’d listen to you this time. Will be at bus stop waiting. See you soon.

7/5 Black Lodge, Black KN95s

You 2 were wearing kn95s by me @ 7/5 Blind Girls show. I had an N95. I was too shy to talk w/ both of you, but I hope I’ll see you @ another show?

i saw u, banging bassoonist

You played the elemental suite and brahms second on a brown bassoon. The way you rocked out on stage made my knees weak. Be my sweetie.

Denim on Denim strutting to headphones in Magnussen

You made a doofus on a bike say dayam on dayam

On the light rail heading south

You had on a white shirt, brown boots and a kuffiyeh as a mask. Wanna meet up at a rally and shout “free Palestine” together?

Angry Scooter Man

The only reason i slowed down was to not hit you.... ill take a fuck you over an accident. FYI you were driving in my blind spot.... safe travels!

Brain Games

Talking and laughing with you for hours was a highlight of this wild year. You said you were in your head, now you're in mine. Give it another shot?

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