There's just one week left to declare your love in the February issue of The Stranger

All month long we've been collecting hundreds of Valentine's Day messages from readers, and we're going to cram them all into our Love and Sex issue, which will hit stands on February 5.

So far we've received messages for "Huckleberry," "Sweet Pisces Boy," "Space Mate," "Cuddle Kitten," "Boner Monkey," "Slurpee," "Bubbarooni," "Bananaboy," "Chocobo," "Cool Bean," "Wormy," and so many more. Have you submitted your FREE Valentine yet?

Let your snookums bear know you care! 

💘 Declare your love in The Stranger now! 💘

*Disclaimer: One per customer, please. Duplicates, mean-spirited valentines, and nonsensical gibberish will be rejected. No last names, please. Any accepted valentines submitted after the first 2,000 will appear in the paper if space is available. All acceptable valentines received will appear online. ☹️ Emojis will not be printed ☹️.