I sometimes feel like I hate the shit out of all of you, and then I read the Kiro 7 comments about the rainbow crosswalks.... I'm sorry.. I love you, sloggers.
@3, let's be fair, Obama fucked us as well. It wasn't just the Senate, it was the guy we all voted for twice who fucked us. Hope everyone remembers that when the big Hillary pu
You know what I consider "non-essential decor"? Street signs. If people haven't memorized street names by now, why should my hard-earned tax dollars go to support their indolence and lack of initiative? Plus, fuck it, they can just use Google Maps to tell them where they are - and it's FREE.
Keep in mind this vote was simply to allow the measure to come to the floor, so I suppose there's still the possibility they could vote "no" when the actual bill to authorize Fast-Track comes up next week. But yeah, thanks Boeing!
Sez you. One person's "blemish" is someone else's "about God-damned time the city did something like this."
Here's what the intersection supposedly http://www.capitolhillseattle.com/wp-con…">will/does look like. I'll have to go up there after work today to confirm they've painted all four crosswalks though. Capitolhillseattle.com is reporting that all six intersections along Pike/Pine between Broadway & 11th Avenue East will similarly be adorned.
Can someone more tech savvy than I create a chrome extension/script that will hide all the posts that are just articles from the print version of The Stranger? (i suppose all posts that have "Read article »" at the end?) Yes, I know slog would then be pretty empty, but oh well.
@16, pull the corncob out of your ass. It's Pride week. If you don't like it then don't go to Capitol Hill. Trust me you're right-wing ass won't be missed.
Unless edible and potable forms of cannabis have taken-over, and our gut bacteria can metabolise it, the metabolites at which they'd be looking would really be coming from urine (piss) and not from excement (shit[e] or dung).
(Brought to you in the interests of biological accuracy and as a protest against baby-talk---'poop' and 'pee' delenda est. )
The costs of providing Seattle with water are essentially fixed. So you should be thrilled they're selling lots of water (and they have plenty of water to sell--the reservoirs are full). Selling lots of water puts money in the bank and keeps rates low, since the utility is operated at cost. Ironically, when people skimp on water, the utility has to raise rates. Read your Keynes.
We should not be asked to conserve water so there's enough for people like the Talasera development to keep their lawns nice and green. If you want to send an opinion about their insane sense of entitlement, go here: http://www.loziergroup.com/contact.aspx
LOL, the comment section in that kiro article about the crosswalks gave me a thought: has anybody noticed that homophobes are by far the most butthurt group of people that ever existed?
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
People are always so quick to dress up their personal preferences as eternal moral truth
Now you do.
You know what I consider "non-essential decor"? Street signs. If people haven't memorized street names by now, why should my hard-earned tax dollars go to support their indolence and lack of initiative? Plus, fuck it, they can just use Google Maps to tell them where they are - and it's FREE.
Keep in mind this vote was simply to allow the measure to come to the floor, so I suppose there's still the possibility they could vote "no" when the actual bill to authorize Fast-Track comes up next week. But yeah, thanks Boeing!
I believe that's exactly what they did...
Hope so. But the photo has a plain crosswalk in the background. I haven't been there, so I don't know if anything has changed.
Sez you. One person's "blemish" is someone else's "about God-damned time the city did something like this."
Here's what the intersection supposedly http://www.capitolhillseattle.com/wp-con…">will/does look like. I'll have to go up there after work today to confirm they've painted all four crosswalks though. Capitolhillseattle.com is reporting that all six intersections along Pike/Pine between Broadway & 11th Avenue East will similarly be adorned.
(Brought to you in the interests of biological accuracy and as a protest against baby-talk---'poop' and 'pee' delenda est. )