Safe injection sites come to a head in Olympia: With a governor who is running for president and a Democratic House that has been wishy-washy on their support for safe consumption sites, Republicans have just added an amendment to a bill aimed at improving opioid addiction treatment. The amendment would threaten funding for any public health entity that opens a safe injection site, so basically just King County. If this language remains in the bill, it will force Democratic lawmakers to go on the record about these sites and, if it passes, Gov. Inslee will have to talk about the controversial policy in the midst of a presidential campaign. The safe injection site plan has been in a holding pattern for quite a while now and Seattle’s new federal prosecutor is squarely against the idea. This could be the death of a policy before our very eyes.
You remember that set of power lines and poles that fell down in Tacoma Tukwila? Investigators still don’t know what caused them to fall and crash onto one car with two passengers and just narrowly miss a pedestrian. But what Seattle officials do know is that the lawsuits are coming and it’s time to lawyer up. The Seattle City Attorney’s Office has taken over the case and will continue trying to figure out what the hell caused the poles to fall in the first place. It’ll be a pretty big part of any lawsuit brought against them. I’m still thinking ghosts, but I’m not sure what the liability laws are regarding destructive ghosts in your city. This blurb has been updated with the correct place that the power lines mysteriously fell down.
Democratic Congressman subpoenas un-redacted Mueller report: The 400-odd pages they received yesterday weren’t quite enough; they want to know what's under all those damn black boxes. Rep. Jerry Nadler, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, issued the subpoena to Attorney General Barr this morning and is demanding the document by May 1. That’s an important date because it’s just one day before the congressional testimony event of the year where Barr will testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee.
Sarah Sanders admits to lying to reporters about Trump firing Comey: One other tidbit we learned in the report is that Press Secretary Sarah Sanders lied to reporters about multiple FBI officials telling her they were happy Trump fired then-FBI Director James Comey. In interviews with Mueller's team a year later, she said that "was not founded on anything.” Is it bad that I'm not even a little bit surprised?
A bunch of right-wing vigilantes are arresting asylum seekers at gunpoint: Well, it’s more of a citizen’s arrest which is just about the whitest thing you can do. Members of the United Constitutional Patriots (it’s like they just picked conservative words out of a hat) have been camped out along New Mexico’s southern border and holding migrants for Border Patrol, despite having no authority to do so. They’re also carrying guns, so they look a lot like Border Patrol. New Mexico’s governor, attorney general, and the ACLU all denounce these actions and are looking into ways to shut them down.
March 2019 was the second warmest on record: You know I love weather records but I don’t like this one. Parts of northern Canada and Alaska saw the warmest temperatures ever and the vast majority of the ocean’s surface saw much warmer than average temperatures.
NOAA: March 2019 was second hottest on record for the globe
More: https://t.co/q88WepuDYk#climate pic.twitter.com/5cDCsUbHW6
— NOAA Satellites PA (@NOAASatellitePA) April 18, 2019
Short bands of rain, but nothing crazy:
A cold front moving through the area this morning with steadier rain moving off to the east. A few showers will linger behind the front but we'll dry out for the weekend! #wawx pic.twitter.com/QUG2tcbjc7
— NWS Seattle (@NWSSeattle) April 19, 2019
Stranger Things creators and Netflix are being sued for plagiarism: This guy Charlie Kessler is suing the Duffer brothers, the Stranger Things creators, for allegedly stealing ideas from his screenplay to make the hit show. The Duffer brothers tried and failed to get the case thrown out by the judge so now it’s going to court and Netflix is scrambling to keep any details from the upcoming season from leaking before the July 4 release date. I’m no media law expert, but a group of kids going on adventures with the supernatural doesn’t seem like the most original idea in the world, so how can you steal a played out genre?
Mitch McConnell pledges to raise tobacco buying age to 21 nationwide: I guess we found a bipartisan issue even the most spineless politician can get behind. Washington recently raised the age limit on tobacco to 21 and now the Senate majority leader is planning to introduce legislation to do that in all 50 states.
Eat your heart out Alec Baldwin:
The best Donald Trump impression that you will ever see.pic.twitter.com/zsMpDxsbRL
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) April 19, 2019
Now listen here you $#!%: It's Rent! Probably one of the most famous musicals of all time. Seems like as good a place as any to end this weeks musical theme. Comment suggestions for next week's theme!
4/20, Easter, and Passover are all this weekend! The best Seattle entertainment options include: The Stranger's inaugural SPLIFF Film Festival, IPA Daze, and Pastor Kaleb's Easter Service. Plus, Earth Day isn't officially till Monday, but there are lots of ways to celebrate this weekend.