Doesn't bode well for "Space Needle thinking": Good morning, and happy New Year. If you somehow missed the online roasting of Sunday's New Year's Eve fireworks display, our City welcomed 2024 with foggy fireworks and a show of 500 drones. Some people say we should cancel our "New Year's at the Needle" event because of the consistently terrible and foggy weather in January, but I appreciate that we start every new year by humbling ourselves and saying, "Hey, we're Seattle, we're gonna be bad at stuff."

Speaking of weather: Rain today, mainly after 1 pm. High of 47 degrees and mildly windy, but for the most part it's just the city's signature steady drizzle. 

Welcome to our new city council: Five fresh faces join the Council today at its first meeting of the new year. The council members must elect a new Council president and discuss who should replace Council Member Teresa Mosqueda, who plans to resign her seat today to take up her new position on the King County Council. 

New year, new Revised Code of Washington: Some new laws kicked in January 1, according to the Seattle Times, including a state-level ban on employers testing for marijuana during the hiring process, a 10-day waiting period to buy a gun, and stricter punishments for street racing. If cops catch you going fast and furious, they'll impound your vehicle for 72 hours for a first offense, and on a second offense you'll literally forfeit your car.

Highest minimum wage of any big city: Seattle's minimum wage increased to $19.97, and that means we lead the pack among major cities, according to KUOW. Sounds good until you realize that full-time work adds up to about $3,000 a month before taxes, and that the median rent in the city is $2,000. 

Events this week: If you're looking for something fun to do this week, we've got 32 options for you. I personally want to check out the La Galette des Rois 2024 in Belltown. I think I have Willy Wonka brain because all I've wanted lately is to open up some sort of food item and find a prize inside. A galette with a hidden trinket inside that designates me queen for they day scratches that itch. 

Also, don't forget to take our sex survey. The deadline to submit is January 13, so hop on and tell us about your kinks, your illicit affairs, and share the best bangers to bang to. 

Check out our top stories of the year: Our most-read stories this year include a slur-hurling cop, the Bartell Drugs apocalypse, city workers calling newly elected Council Member Maritza Rivera a bad boss, and Seattle's most expensive Taco Bell. Catch up on what you missed last year before the holiday news lull ends this week.

Jet in Tokyo bursts into flames after crash: A Japan Airlines plane collided with a Coast Guard aircraft Tuesday morning, causing the Japan Airlines Airbus to burst into flames. All 379 passengers and crew on the Airbus escaped the blazing wreckage, but five members of the six-person crew aboard the coast guard plane died as a result of the crash, according to Reuters.

Cyber kidnapping of Chinese foreign exchange student: Search and rescue teams found a Chinese foreign exchange student camping alone in the Utah mountains Sunday. Apparently, law enforcement has tracked a new trend of people threatening foreign exchange students, forcing them to isolate and send photos making it appear the kidnappers have taken them hostage. Then the kidnappers extort money from their families abroad, according to NBC News. In this case, the student's family sent $80,000 to pay a ransom.

Someone possibly tried to SWAT Maine's secretary of state: A day after Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows barred Donald J. Trump from the state's presidential ballot, someone called the cops to SWAT her, meaning they reported a fake crime hoping to draw a big, scary police response, according to the New York Times.

My resolution: I rang in the new year munching on dumplings, scrolling, and feeling smug that I had the option to go to a house party but chose not to. Anyway, I saw someone posted The Mountain Goats song "This Year." A classic. Enjoy, and here's to hoping we all make it to 2025.