Hey, show-talkers… please shut the fuck up!

We've waited a long time to see live music regularly again. I recently went to see Vanishing Twin at the Clock Out Lounge, who traveled from the UK, and was supposed to be here in March of 2020, so it was long overdue. It was a short one-hour set, yet half the crowd seemed to think it was the perfect time for a conversation.

No matter where I stood, people were chatting so loud that I could hear all about their brunch plans on the right, their opinions of the beer they chose on the left, or "hey, how's your fern doing?" behind me. I took it upon myself to move away from that spot, just to hear people gabbing at every turn. Even ten feet from the stage, standing under the PA speakers.

I realize some go to shows as a social gathering and are excited to see friends. Then please go outside to have your conversation. Or at least to the back of the room! Or, even better, talk before and after the band's performance.

It's rude to the musicians and those trying to immerse into the music, and it's embarrassing as an audience member. I can see it on the musicians' faces and know it's upsetting to them. Show some basic respect.

This is certainly not a Clock Out Lounge or Seattle problem alone, as I have experienced this at concerts in cities all over the US, but that is no excuse.

Maybe venues can address this by playing a PSA before the set like they do in boutique movie theaters. No need to threaten to kick people out, just make the talkers feel a bit ashamed. Until something like that happens, please join me in shushing and glaring at show talkers, so we can collectively solve this problem and enjoy the music chatter-free!

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