
Isn't that great - I love this kind of pressure. My god, though, one bike cop outside and I had a wonderful eyescrew as I walked past on my way to work. Delicious.
If Amazon paid its taxes, how would it be able to afford to chronically underpay its employees?
Sweet FSM, what other evil pies does Amazon have their nasty fingers in?
Whoa... Totally unexpected good news from Amazon...

Not. Used. To. This.
@2 you mean it's execs.
What a triumph!

Way to get shit done Working Washington!

Hey SLOG: Maybe you could let us know about planned events like this before they happen? I'm sure plenty of readers would have been inclined to show up for this.

I've just followed the twitter feeds of Working Washington (@workingwa) and Washington CAN (@WashingtonCAN) so I won't miss out on future plans.
I do not like ALEC at all, but this article is inaccurate. ALEC was NOT responsible for the Stand Your Ground Law. They adopted the legislative language from it into their model bills.

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