This is the system. The same-old same-old strives to achieve the status of a law. If you want to see this principle at work, visit several Seattle bars in one night. What do you hear? Mostly the Rolling Stones. "Honky Tonk Women," "You Can't Always Get What You Want," "Sympathy for the Devil," Gimme Shelter," and so on and so on for what seems to be forever. And if it's not the Rolling Stones, it has to be Fleetwood Mac ("Dreams," "Gypsy," "Go Your Own Way," "Little Lies," and so on and so on). And it's not only Seattle bars that suffer from this super-lame sameness. Go to New York City, the capital of the creative universe, and you will hear it all over again: the Stones, Fleetwood Mac's biggest hits, and, if you are lucky, very lucky, a Talking Heads tune, particularly "Psycho Killer."
You have been in these bars. You know what I'm talking about. So, let's ask: What's to be done? We can begin with the understanding that progress will not be made without the resolution of these desires: One, we love bars; two, we love to discover or rediscover music in bars.
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