Twenty minutes had flown by, the allotted time for public comment during Tuesday's special meeting to repeal the head tax. The council had just voted to allow another 30 minutes for speakers to address their representatives, despite the protestations of Council President Bruce Harrell that "At some point it just becomes repetitious, honestly."
A self-described father, veteran and anarchist walked up to the podium. He wore camouflage and aviators tucked in his shirt. He let out his righteous anger with language that caused Harrell to remind everybody of the "children in the audience." Behold:
All right, I don’t got long. I’m a dad, so I have kids to take care of. What’s up, bootlickers? I haven’t seen ya’ll since the campout. I’ve got something to say. I’m tired of this fucking shit. I’m a father, I’m a veteran and I’m an anarchist. Those are three people you don’t want to piss off. I’m tired of children getting attacked in the streets, I’m tired of them sleeping in the streets. I’m tired of the very people I swore to defend get attacked by the state. So like I said out there, ya’ll need to close your fucking beaks, take resources and put them in the hands of people who need them. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with ya’ll? Who the fuck are ya’ll to justify letting people die in the streets with your policies, your laws and your legislation. How do you justify that, killing people. I swore to give my life to defend the people from all forms of oppression. Eventually, all this shit is going to stop. Because when it’s our time, we won’t make excuses for the terror. Marx.