Elections 2023 Mar 30, 2023 at 8:00 am

Can We Have a Normal Socialist Campaign, Please?

Can he rise from the ashes of an internal revolt? PHOTO: AVI KAPUR; DESIGN: ANTHONY KEO



This is camp. Everybody tip the twink in D4 for brightening up my Thursday.


Your Democracy Vouchers at work.


So is this the People’s Front of Judaea or the Judaea People’s Front?


Wow, this article really brought out the cranks yelling at the 21st century to get off their lawns.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since it had "Socialist" in the headline.


“Either way, as the only self-proclaimed socialist candidate in the city, the chances of keeping a left perspective on the City Council seem to be growing slimmer and slimmer.”

The main threat to “keeping a left perspective on the City Council” comes from the existing lefty City Council members, who’ve fubar’d Seattle into its current sorry state, via their seemingly-endless series of unforced errors and own-goals. Specifically, the term “socialist,” once a serious political affiliation in Western democracies, has in modern-day Seattle, become a synonym for “uncompromisingly incompetent.” It will take far more than some youth campaigns — even ones not as flailingly miserable as Mitnick’s — to repair that damage.

@10: More like some actual adults enjoying the antics of some young, idealistic, but misguided campaign workers who’ve clearly lost the plot, and then decided to mount a free, junior, avant-garde production of “Lord of the Flies” for our amusement.


Mitnick sounds like a grifter. I'm guessing he'll switch sides and go full Rufo next election cycle.


the only thing sad about this whole affair is that Hannah bought into it sheerly based on the idealism of the candidate without vetting him or waiting to see if his candidacy had any momentum whatsoever. A student reporter could have looked at the fact that he had a 17 year old campaign manager and thought hmmmm.... It is a good example of why the left is incapable of managing/governing anything. They are so concerned about being butt hurt over everything and being a victim they don't ever focus on solutions to issues. Good riddance to Mr Mitnick and I can only hope the rest of the fringes ideologues TS has been pimping the last couple of months also implode and we're left with some actual serious people who want to, you know, manage the city baby.


Unfortunately the Radical Left has always had a herding cats problem. When you get a bunch of people together whose main point in common is a shared belief that immediate tumultuous revolution is the only solution to any and all problems, it's pretty typical for them to turn that mentality against their own organization. Long before they get around to confronting the System, they'll form a faction to denounce Fred for that thing he said at the last meeting.


I infer the following:

Mitnick is kind of new to this and made some dumb mistakes.
The campaign has some toxic elements characteristic of in-group/out-group mentalities.
There are cultural incompatibilities between traditional campaigning and the Mitnick campaign's vision.

Assuming these are accurate, I do not think that this situation is automatically disqualifying, but Mitnick does need to get his shit together.


So, is it true, as a Reddit user alleged before deleting his comment, that the reporter’s long-term boyfriend is a DSA leader? If so, isn’t this a blatant conflict of interest that at the very least should have been disclosed in the article?


@19: “…Matthew Mitnick evidently thinks being on the city council is an entry-level position.”

Please cite a performance by the City Council, from any time in the past decade, which could be charitably interpreted as not fully supporting Mr. Mitnick’s evident belief.


Seattle has had two socialist mayors and has 7 socialist city council members.

How many more socialist do you need?

By any normal means of measure, Seattle is three standard deviations to the far, far left for most US cities.


Hm. It definitely sounds like we should put this gang of sociopathic teenagers in charge of our government, our lives, our rights, etc. After all, they have the Correct Opinions!


As a prior poster said, this shows (along with the Andrew Grant Houston campaign) why Seattle needs to get rid of democracy vouchers. It would also be beneficial to see the Stranger finally go out of business. All it does is promote grifters, socialist cosplayers, and some of the most incompetent candidates in recent memory.


Source: my boyfriend…what kind of journalistic integrity is this? Talk about conflicts of interest at play…my lord


Good work finding this shit out before the general election. Usually people like this get past the primary (with the help of The Stranger Editorial Board) and then we find out the person is flaky, and really shouldn't hold public office. Then some right winger gets elected, and we spend the next several years reading about how the right-winger is screwing us over, instead of how we had a perfectly good, far-left-of-center candidate that didn't make it past the primary. Just because you agree with someone at the bar doesn't mean they should represent you.

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