These were members of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. One of the best community organizations in the whole country. Well-informed and always willing to fight social injustice. Fox News labeled them as a "liberal" group, but they have an amazing membership of low- to moderate-income people standing up and fighting back for their quality of life that range from Democrat to Republican to Libertarian. Good for them for trying to get an honest answer out of somebody who explicitly said corporations are people.
OK, I retract my remark about "mouthbreathing Tea Party loons". It sounds like he was being heckled from the left. If the ICCI got together with the Tea Party and fought their common enemies, they might have something. That common enemy isn't Romney, though, and by going after him they're going to get themselves a Bachmann or worse (if there is worse).
Wow, what a loser. Multimillionaire Romney trying to shout down a senior citizen. Romney was impatient and condescenind throughout. And he didn't answer the question, either.
@7,8, he didn't have to answer the question. He got his soundbite about the Big O in there and that's all he needed to do. It's lame, but it'll placate the mouth-breathers that Fnarf alludes to above.
@14: there was a time when the SCOTUS said segregation was just skippy. Agreeing with them at the time was wrong, and agreeing with them now over this is also wrong.
Two more Romney videos, including the same one from a reverse angle. In the second one, Romney asserts that Medicare and Social Security accounts for "about half of federal spending."
Uhh, you might hold off a bit on the non-substantive snark. If we're going to be ruled by a Repulibcan president come 2012--a very good possibility, given how screwed the economy is--you'd better be praying it's Mitt Romney (or Jon Huntsman, if Mitt goes to his special planet in the sky). Cuz it if it's anyone else, we're more fucked than you can even imagine.
if the troll follows you around slog today heckling does it mean Paul can't do anything right?
especially you, paul.
the folks on Fox are saying Mitt hit it out of the park and comparing it to Reagan's "I paid for this microphone!" episode.
heat shield melting...time for palin capsule to emerge...
@10: It's a pretty predictable pattern for this crowd--duck the question, say something bad about Obama.
@11: He comes across as a bully.
Maybe this, along with his "corporations are people" gasp, will combine into his totally self-inflicted macaca moment.
As Dan brilliantly said on Real Time: "It's not 'The Economy, Stupid', it's 'Stupid's Economy'."…
did you have a point?
Did you have a point?