
That's amazing.
This guy's certifiable.
Seems legit.
If only we'd known that before 2008, it could all have been avoided.
There was a break down of morals that lead to our economic problems. When politicians allowed themselves to be bought into ending regulations that worked, when business people deliberately inflated a bubble, knowing it had to pop sometime and that they wouldn't be the ones left holding the bag...

It was greed that did it. It has nothing to do with who put their dick in what.
Let's get this party started shall we?

Bash the motherfucker in his image...which is clearly ALL he cares about.
If he's so concerned about everybody else's "moral failings" why isn't he bitching about the rape of thousands of children by Catholic priests? He is myopic about homos and it has me thinking it's not gay marriage that's bothering him so much but something else (LLS-luggage lifter syndrome).
You know, back in the Gilded Age/ Victorian Era, churches were strong, non-Biblically sanctioned sexuality was abhorred, and it didn't do ANYTHING to prevent robber barons from taking obscene advantage of us all. Santorum is full of shit, in both definitions of the term.
There are other shorthand names for Richard besides Rick. Maybe he should be using one, because he is one.
You can call this a candidate, or you can call it an asshole; calling it a candidate won't make it one.
Are you sure about this post Danny?

'cause we don't want to get all indignant
and then find out you totally fucked up the story.

like you did about the dead lesbian body in Indiana....

are you going to retract that post and apologize, Danny?

or are you sooooo ANGRY! at your stupidity
you are repeatedly and uncontrollably
throwing up in your own mouth.......
Just look at all those failed secularist societies of modern Europe, where gays and other challenges to the "family" are accepted. Now contrast them with all those successful traditional societies where homosexuality is punished by death and women are stoned for adultry. Oh yeah, that's like comparing nothing to nothing.
A wonderful example of the logical fallacy "post hoc ergo propter hoc" = "After this, therefore because of this." What a maroon, as Bugs Bunny would say.

you make a good point.

European society actually is failing.
have you seen the riots?
they have replaced the family with the Nanny State and are discovering they can't afford it.
those nations are literally bankrupt.
and now their amoral secular hooligan peasantry are rioting in the streets.

good comparison.
lets let Rick speak for himself-
we know how badly Danny can fuck up a story.....

"Letting the family break down and in fact encouraging it and inciting more breakdown through this whole redefinition of marriage debate, and not supporting strong nuclear families and not supporting and standing up for the dignity of human life. Those lead to a society that’s broken.
If you think that we can be a society that kills our own, and that disregards the family and the important role it plays, and doesn’t teach moral values and the important role of faith in the public square, and then expect people to be good, decent and moral when they behave economically, if you look at the root cause of the economic problems that we’re dealing with on Wall Street and Main Street I might add, from 2008, they were huge moral failings. And you can’t say that we’re gonna take morality out of the public square, morality out of our schools, God out of our schools, and then expect people to behave decently in a country that requires, capitalism requires some strong modicum of moral consciousness if it’s gonna be successful."
Well duh. It's well known that all investment bankers and stockbrokers are self-destructive bug-chasing faggots. I mean, you couldn't find a more wild, liberal, image-unconscious, iconoclastic community than Wall Street.

I get why you still pay attention to ol' Santy, Dan, but is it okay if the rest of us just write him off as a broken, anal-obsessed pinhead and ignore him until he slinks back to Fox News and disappears off the greater national news radar? He's not going to accomplish anything in politics any more and his cracked whining depresses me.
Spoken like a true Fourth Place loser...
Gee, at the time of the financial collapse and the onset of the recession, same-sex marriage was only legal in--at most--five states! That's only 10% of the states in the U.S.! Imagine how much worse the economy would be if it had been legal in all 50 states! Thank God for DOMA! Up With Santorum! We need this man to make certain that our freedoms are upheld at 18th century levels!
ah- what a chimp that Rick is....

but then, you know;

society is going to Hell fast
('Skipping to Gommoirah'?
isn't that what our Danny calls it?...)

more and more children are raised without their two married parents,
and sociologists know that leads to a multitude of problems later on.....

and our economy is totally fucked up- a big problem is that skilled people are not available to fulfill needs in the economy-
tens of millions unemployed but skilled well paying jobs going begging- that's sure fucked up

yeah- the quality of our citizenry is surely in the shitter-
masses begging the government to provide something as basic as healthcare, insisting they can not provide their own.... thats sure fucked up

and what about taxpayers?
according to the Democraps 50%
of all American'ts
that they can't be expected to pay
ONE FUCKING PENNY in Federal Income Taxes...

HALF of all American'ts are unable to contribute ANYTHING to achieving the goals of out Federal Government.

that's totally fucked up.

and, at the same time,
we must admit that our Danny has
(single handedly- *swoon!*...)
been very successful at redefining the family.
We're Winning!! he brays,
and with good reason....

so, damn, Rick seems to be onto something here.
Wait, I thought our problems were all because of these immigrants. Or was it environmental regulations? Or the debt ceiling? Damn, it's so hard to keep all these shrill panic issues straight.

Just another day from the Shriekocracy.
Wow. He just alienated pretty much any financial industry person who would have voted for him, even if they agreed with his stances on gay marriage and abortion and whatever. Someone with such a fundamental failure to understand what caused our financial collapse is utterly unequipped to be president of the largest economy in the world. This dude just has to keep talking and he'll blip his career (the presidency was never a possibility, as Dan frequently points out) right out of existence.
Someone who thinks that a rape victim should be forced to carry and deliver any potential offspring of that rape has no place at all talking about morals.
Surprised Santorum is still running
thanks a lot for tanking the economy, Dan!
@24 When you have that many kids it's a safe bet running is more lucrative than working.

"Fools mock butt"?

Should we, like, respect ass more, lest we fall? Did the late Romans have insufficient booty dignity?

I'm confused about what exactly your Freudian slip there is getting at.
yes you are
Why do the gays cause everything bad that happens? Tornadoes, Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, financial collapses! It's the gays! You'd think with all these awesome godlike, gay powers, we'd've taken over the world by now.
@29 Shhhh. We have.
Speaking of "Google problems" (ok I just couldn't find a better thread here for this observation)
Any time I've googled "Fox news" One of THEIR TOP STORIES is always this headline: "Seattle-Area Pedophile Has 'How-to' Web Site for Men Seeking Little Girl Activities" and the story dates from almost FIVE YEARS AGO! I realize I am googling this in the city of Seattle, but what is it about Fox News that this story is still #1 five years running? This isn't just on my computer, is it?
31 yes it is your computer
google tracks your searches and is aware of your kiddie porn habit and thinks you will be interested in the story.
way to out yourself as a pedophile.....
I'm only checking to see what Seattleblues has to say. I know he's in agreement with this basic premise.
OK, so gays tanked the economy. And the tanked economy is going to get Obama out of office. Once again, another reason why the Republicans should be THANKING the gays! (Just like the rapture nuts should have thanked the gays for bringing on the apocolypse!)
@29 - I'd just like a little credit for the good things we've caused, too. I'd even accept a good old corporate compliment sandwich. "We appreciate the way you guys are much better-dressed on average, but we've had a few complaints that you've been causing hurricanes, so work on that. Keep up the good work with the theater stuff."
Oh, you gay people. You're like the new Jewish conspiracy. Except I don't think we ever caused hurricanes. Mostly occasional thunderstorms.
@36 - Well, somebody caused the Galveston hurricane of 1900, and it certainly wasn't us. Maybe that one was McKinley. The guy did die almost exactly a year later; sometimes God's aim is a little off, but he finds his target sooner or later.
Up here in Canada, same sex marriage has been legal for what ? 6 years? Our economy is in pretty good shape - we'd recovered almost entirely from the recession of 2008, and this latest shakeup will probably only have a temporary effect.

Would Mr Santorum care to comment?
These fellas on the right that are pointing to America's moral collapse as the root of the problem are in fact a perfect illustration of the real issue: dogma induced myopia.

Santorum, Bachmann, Perry, all of them live in the same world-view that filters fact to bolster their ideology. They are not capable of observing fact and then drawing likely conclusions.

It seems that a significant minority of Americans live in that same bubble. That is what is dragging this country down.
@ 24 - Doesn't santorum always run, by its very nature?
When speaking rhetorically, less is sometimes more. Santorum is utilizing a method of argument in which he attempts to connect every one of society's contemporary issues to the "threat" of gay marriage. However, the problem with this method is ever-increasing distance between argument and truth. Santorum's claims have become so outlandish that I posit they will actually begin to hurt his case against homosexuality rather than help it.

So, as a gay guy, I encourage Santorum to keep running his mouth. He might just say something so stupid he can never recover from it. One can hope...
When conservative Repubs start talking about "family values" they mean Patriarchy. (They don't actually value families.)
Sorry all of my butt sex destroyed the economy but what are you going to do?
Yo Dan, you botched the quote.
Mr. Frothy Mixture seems to be looking for a scapegoat.
@36: Gay Jews must be like supervillains.
God, I just wish he would get caught sucking dick in a bathroom... But in this case something tells me it's unlikely.
What's the appropriate action to take should one ever run into Santorum?
Funny, I remember it saying somewhere that it's *money* that's the root of all evil. I wonder who said that?

And I wonder what that same guy said about the homos. Hmm.
Just as importantly, it seems that we *all* must lead utterly perfect lives without sin to ensure that Bad Things don't happen to us. If that's the case, I can totally understand the need to stone people to death for spitting on the sidewalk or worse yet, taking the lord's name in vain (that one is actually a direct quote from God, by the way, unlike the homo thing). We can't let *any* sinners live, for fear of the hurricanes and tornadoes and earthquakes and such.

But I thought we weren't worshipping Montezuma?
@38 (agony)
Even longer, though on a provincial basis.
It was 2003 for Ontario and actually backdating to January 14, 2001 (I was in attendance), based on Reading of the Banns that got the whole ball rolling to make SSM legal across the country. [I'm especially tickled pink that a church procedure not specifying gender is what led to the first two marriages.]

::glances around::
Yup, it's pretty good up here but I'm sure Ricky doesn't want to hear that as it contradicts his delusions. His oh-so-many delusions.
@ 47 - Lick his face and say "Sorry, I just love the taste of Santorum". This should push all of his buttons. He might never recover.
50 - Ah, I'm an Albertan, where of course we lagged behind the rest of the country....
@11.. Love it.
What's interesting to me, is the Ubber Rights of the Politico Stooges: Ergo, the right to make outrageous comments and incitements , which the political process is currently working on making illegal for the rest of us.

It's apparently perfectly fine for this individual to spew trash but don't try it yourself, unless or until you belong to one of the approved voting blocks acknowledged bitches.
Sounds like a Christian to me.
Ricardo @ 40- Depends on how much fiber is in your diet.

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