

Nice effort though...
I bet if that was a state run marijuana store, the folks at the Stranger would be over there like flies on shit.
Putting anything in west Seattle pretty much guarantees it will fail.
@2 When and if that happens, by all means come back here and be smug about it.
A day late and a dollar short. The Costco initiative will pass this year. Had the state not acted like they had a monopoly and did stuff like this earlier they might have preserved their monopoly control.
Private or public, I don't give a shit what a liquor store looks like (where I grew up they were private and pretty barebones). I do care if I can get what I want at convenient hours. Hardwood floors aren't worth a damn.
@4, not only will I be smug about it, I will be smoking some too:)
Of course, you'll want to start your shopping trip with a full tank of gas, and don't throw away your bus transfer, because you'll be making extra stops for limes, ice, chips, and, duh, beer.

In Soviet Russia, Liquor Control Board controls YOU.
Other favorite Cienna's grandma quote: "When God closes a door, he opens a bottle." LOVE.
But does this "premier" liquor store actually sell anything that isn't for sale at other stores?

Because __that__ is the crux of the problem with Washington's liquor monopoly: you can't find anything unique or interesting because every godddamn store has exactly the same stock of the same tired brands. It's actually easier to drive to Portland to pick up unusual items, or do mail order from New York.
Bored. Wake me when they cover one with rhinestones.
Open on Sunday! Yes!
@10: And clearly Costco and Safeway specialize in boutique items....I agree, in some ways, that Washingon's current system is in need of repair, but for those who's complaint is about the lack of boutique items I have a hard time seeing this particular initiative fixing it. Also, have you tried search WSLCBs online listings to see if they have what you're looking for?
@13 The point is, the WSLCB clearly never gave a shit about the desires of its customers while they had an iron-clad monopoly, and its only been in the last couple of years as more and more liquor initiatives make the ballot that they've began attempted to placate us. Only when they no longer have a strangle hold on liquor can things change.
"Digital signs"? What the fuck, rover? DO NOT WANT DIGITAL SIGNS. How about hand-written signs made by someone who actually knows what it's like?

And you know what would be really awesome? If, instead of outfitting this store ten miles away from me with hardwood floors and digital fucking signs, how about outfitting my somewhat more local store WITH SOME NEW STOCK? Half the shelves in Wallingford have been bare for three months or longer.
Good thing women will pretend they agree with their boyfriends and husbands and then secretly vote down the Costco initiative, to protect our kids.
What @3 said. Shoulda been north of the cut.
In San Francisco we have something called a BevMo, or we just buy our liquor the American way, from Arabs. But that's only if we're looking for something that's not stocked at the supermarket!
@16: You fucking cockmonkey. Women won't let you come near them because you're so obviously creepy and gross, yet you claim to know how we'll vote? Fuck you, you fucking fucktard.
Too little, too late.

Walking into my neighborhood liquor store feels like shopping for porn at the post office.
Wow! Twice as many bottles of Cuervo and Monarch! Woo-hoo!

*sigh* They seem to be somewhat unclear on the concept of what people want. Not everyone wants to drink the same stuff, and WSLCB will NOT let you special-order anything unless you order at least a case. And you cannot order anything from someplace like BevMo yourself - it's illegal to buy spirits mail order in Washington state.

Let me buy spirits from BevMo, and you can keep your weird Soviet-bloc liquor stores. Although I will continue to agitate until the death of the WSLCB's enforcement arm being used to prevent anyone from having a beer and seeing a bare tit at the same time. (The stores are better than they used to be, it's the WSLCB itself - the very IDEA of it - I have a problem with, not the stores or their employees.)
Weird that they located this new store just two blocks away from the existing West Seattle liquor store, on California and Oregon. Or are they closing that one?
Haters of West Seattle just be hatin'
That big-ass Captain Morgan pirate is kinda cool, if you ignore what he's selling.

If they think those are hardwood floors, though, they've sucked down a few too many quarter-uvva-ounceseses on the sly.
I just went to this place. It's totally fine. It does have the best selection of spirits I've seen in this state (or most others, beats the hell out of any Californian grocery store), including an entire section of Washington State spirits. It's also right under a QFC, so you don't need to go anywhere else for mixers and snacks. It's ten minutes from downtown.

Nothing's perfect anywhere, but it's just fine.
@19 BURN!


Minnesota's booze laws are pretty blue (there is the occasional trip to Wisconsin), but they're nowhere near as bad as what y'all have now, or are trying to get. My condolences.
@3 - given the large number of successful West Seattle exclusive businesses as well as WS branches of other businesses I'm not sure where you get your "fail" from. Dozens of bars, two other liquor stores, a few wine and beer specialty shops, some inbetween places ... all open for years and doing fine if not expanding.

@10 & 21 - Yes, they do sell quite a bit more variety than even the 4th ave/SoDo store. It's impressive really. Rather than twice the Cuervo, they have all the Cuervo + 4 Centanarios + 5 Don Julios + just a ton more.

@22 - Yes. Last I heard, Beer Junction was moving into both the old liquor store and train store locations and combining them into the one space.
Looks nice. Glad to see the liquor board stepping it up. I wonder if they'll have restrooms - sampling booze makes people gotta go.
@20, AGREED.
@ 27, sonder is a West Seattle hating troll. Pay attention to Slog - if they write about anything happening there, sonder will show up to shit on it. (Probably had his heart broken by someone who lives there.)

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