
Your brother loves the closet, BROS, because the closet is useful to him. He wants drama and attention and jumping in and out of the closet gets him truckloads of both.
So spot on!
Excellent advice, as ever. This BROS's bro is a sad closet case. I feel bad for BROS having to pretend that this is all for real, though. Maybe a viewing of "Jesus Camp" would help? If Ted Haggard could well and truly come out (as bi, anyway), there must be hope for the most recalcitrant Xtian closet case.
Wild thought: Maybe the bro is bi, possibly towards the gay side of bi, but doesn't consider the concept because all he hears about is "good straight evangelical Christian" or "flaming gay guy".
If anyone can spot a drama queen, it's Dan.
I would say gay people are just fine the way they are and any religion that says otherwise is baloney. Trauma has nothing to do with it.
"Mince, blather, repeat."

Made my day. ROFL
Good advice. There is nothing that shuts down family drama faster than unconditional support. I only wish I had figured this out years ago.
Dan is awesome. That is all.
I wonder if this lovely girl knows that the brother is a graduate of "ex-gay therapy". If she does, she's crazy, and she's getting what she (mostly) deserves, and if she doesn't, I feel really, really sorry for her.
Dear Brother,

Sounds like some anti-gay, reparative therapy assholes got their hands on you. I, unlike them, am not going to try to convince you that you are anything but what you say you are. I'm fine with however you choose to identify or how you live your life. I, unlike them, do not believe that either choice is fundamentally wrong, so there is no reason for me to try to talk you out of either.

My only advice is: a) do be true to yourself, don't let other people convince you that you are other than what you are, and b) try not to hurt the people you get in relationships with, while you figure this out for yourself.

-- Sibling who is fine with who you are, but tired of the relentless drama.
"Mince, blather, repeat". Oh god, that is the best. Thank you for that one.
As I used to say in my youth, "fuckin' A!"

This is absolutely perfect advice for an absolutely shitty situation.

OCD, depression, ADHD, and closeted/struggling with sexuality. Egads. "Sounds good, bro." is so much nicer than my version of "Yeah, OK...whatever." At this point, I'd be ignoring him. Poor sibling.
Love this answer.

Similar to my own discovery that you can derail a pointless argument with someone overly-opinionated by calmly saying "you're right". Best part is that they probably know you're insincere but there's nothing the blowhard can do about it.

They won, so what? You get to move on with your life.

Disclaimer, this only works so much with significant others before they catch on and start using it against you.

You can check out any time that you like.

But you can never leave.

Right Danny?

The Incurable Disease?

Is that It?
#13 FTW. Brilliant.
Hahaha so awesome and so right! You made my day, Dan.
Just let him live in the closet like all the other RINOs.

Eventually he'll be exposed.

Just not by his brother. Because that's never fun for anyone.
Normally, I'd be the first to dismiss the idea that you can turn a gay man straight.

But in this case, the guy is dating a beautiful and extraordinarily talented woman. As if that isn't enough, she was the valedictorian at her university.

Let's face the facts, people - as powerful as sexual orientation may be, it's simply no match for a woman with those kind of credentials.
@9: lots of women like a "project". They think they can fix whatever is wrong with a defective boyfriend and make husband material out of him.
Lots of other women know to stay the hell away from men like that. We don't know which kind of woman this new girlfriend is.
I bet his girlfriend is a morbidly obese born-again who thinks she's getting brownie points with the Lord for switching a homo.

Great advice, Dan. Don't feed the drama queen.
@9 If the girl actually exists, or if she's real - if she realizes that the three "dates" she's been on with this guy mean to him that they're in a relationship.
It's a she.

If that's not the sound of true love, I don't know what is.
" I'd ask you to yield to and trust your brother's story and not side with the lies and distortions perpetrated by the media and homosexual activists regarding the ability to overcome homosexuality."

I just did a massive eyeroll Mrs. Obama would be proud of.
I think that his brother's problems extend more to the "completely insane" than just his sexuality. He sounds incredibly bipolar, with bouts of "I'm going to be as gay as I can be and I'm going to San Francisco with my gayroomateandwe'regoingonamethbenderatthewhitepartyand..." along with bouts of "oh woe is me! I want out of it all!" at which point the Evangelicals see a mark.

But as Dan already pointed out, this guy is a mess. Is he a drama queen too? Maybe, but his advice to just say "Okay, sure, whatever" might be the only thing he can do anyway.
Dan nailed it in terms of the sibling-sibling relationship. They are not, however, the only people involved.

@9, 22, 23: The GF might be fake, might be an fundie idiot, or might be looking for a project. If so, fine, let the chips fall where they may regarding marriage.

But what if she's real, hoodwinked, and buying his current story line? Closet cases, while in closet mode, can go fast and furious for the altar and procreation. Then everyone is trapped in a asymmetric marriage that isn't good for her or for their kids.

So, LW: say (two months from now), "Bro, that's great. When do you see the GF next? Thursday? Where are you going? Cool. I'll stop by and say Hi! and then leave your guys for the rest of your date." Then if there really is a girl, a potential innocent victim of his charade, the LW can choose when/if to inform her of the huge dice she is rolling.

If someone is about to get run over by a truck and you can, at no risk to yourself, pull them aside, (or at least tell them that the truck is barreling towards them) - then that is the least you should do another person being set up for a really big fall.
sirkowski @22: yeah, I know one of those. She married him and they have a kid together, and the entire family is a simmering cesspool of resentment and misery. I feel terrible for that poor little girl.
Yeah, I'm speaking as the daughter of a gay man married to a hoodwinked girl (who just grew up really, really naive and sheltered). Of course, that was 40-odd years ago. That scenario really shouldn't be happening in this century.
"Man, what a day. So many difficult circumstances. I can't wait to get home, lay on the couch, and unwind with a nice big dick." - No straight man ever, BROS' brother. Some gay, bisexual or even hetero-flexible men, sure. But not straight men.
@13: Thanks. Fixed!
@22, 27, 28, 29: The thing is, if BROS tries to reason with--or warn--the girlfriend, he's playing into the brother's love of drama ("how *dare* you try to feed those disgusting lies to my beloved? You just don't want me to be happy, is that it? Why can you never let me live my own life" blah blah blah). It is a horrible shame that this woman might be naive and misled and have to deal with the consequences of yoking herself to the mess that BROS' brother is. But then again, she could be a closeted, self-hating and -denying lesbian herself, or she could not be thinking, three dates in, that this is her future husband.

And @22 (sirkowski): why make assumptions about her physical appearance. Unless you're trying to show her to be an inferior person by calling her "morbidly obese." In which case you're a jerk.
Steal Mr. Hat and don't give him back until your brother admits that he's gay.
What jumps to my mind is that BROS is one of the few people who will be romantically off-limits to his brother no matter what sexual orientation he has or believes himself to have at any given moment. That has to help. I shudder to think what the brother would do with romantic friends.

Gay or not, BROS is a big fat drama queen. Only way to deal with it is to say, "I love you, bro. I don't want to hear about you struggling with your sexuality. How 'bout those Marlins?"
This is perfect advice. My brother dealt with the same cycle from a friend of his, except it was slightly less egregious since they're all college kids. I told him to tell the poor guy, "Are you happy with that? Great, awesome, I'm so glad we're keeping in touch" no matter what.

BROS can live in hope that his brother will get to a better place in life, but you can't really support or convince someone who goes to such extremes with such frequency. So, just be blandly positive, and find other common ground to talk about if possible.
OCD, depression, ADHD, "etc." -- unusual combination to say the least. Not impossible, but combined with a hospitalization sounds like suicidal or psychotic. You don't get hospitalized for ordinary depression, OCD, and ADHD, even all 3 at once.

If the brother is not faking mental illness, in addition to Dan's excellent "Sound's good, bro" advice, I'd add:

"And since you've had such a difficult time in the past before you got your shit together, how's that counseling going? Probably good idea to keep up with it."

That way if he kills himself BROS won't feel guilty about ignoring brother's obvious ongoing pain.
Great answer, blather, mice, repeat is Classic Savage.

Oh, and sirkowski@ 22? As a morbidly obese male who expects no brownie points from the Lord or anyone else: Fuck You.
Unconditional love and support? No. Unconditional indifference. I like it.
@32: "But then again, she could be a closeted, self-hating and -denying lesbian herself" while this is pretty darn uncommon among mixed-orientation marriages, I'll grant you that ". . . extraordinarily talented girl. She was valedictorian. . . " describes 3/4s of the lesbians I dated while they were closet cases. All that energy not put into dating and romance gets directed into sports and academics.
My sister gave me similar advice when I went through something similar with a friend years ago: "Be there for her now, be there at the wedding, and be there for the divorce."
Was the brother's email addressed "Dear brother" or "Dear internet"? If the former, how exactly is it OK to publish a highly personal letter for the whole world to see, Xs or no Xs?
When someone is diagnosed with ADHD, OCD and depression, has a mental breakdown and then finds Jesus, the whole shebang is a pretty good indicator that there is a more serious mental health issue masquerading as a bunch of less- serious disorders. I'm no expert, but I'm willing to bet there's a bipolar diagnosis in this guy's future.
@32: I think, if the relationship gets serious enough that they're planning marriage, the LW should just say, "It's so wonderful that you two have gotten through his confusion about his sexuality and come to this place together." That way, it's superficially supportive, but also gives her a heads up if she doesn't know.
Forget the ex-gay groups, there needs to be an ex-Christian group so gay people can learn to leave behind their harmful Evangelical lifestyle.
@36, if all the symptoms of the three disorders flared up at the same time (not unlikely, they all play into each other), then the guy could have lost his job/flunked out of college, isolated himself, let the hygiene go, and gotten to a pretty bad place. That can get someone a week or two in a psych ward. Also, BROS said 'depression', but the actual diagnosis could have been Major Depressive Disorder. There's also the possibility of psychotic features--which is rare but can happen with a major depressive episode.
If the guy is bipolar, none of this behavior is as surprising or his fault. Sure, drama queen, but legitimately ill drama queen. If you see this across his behavior, not just with the sexuality thing, you could suggest he explore this as a diagnosis.
@36 & 42, My money's on a personality disorder. People who have several diagnoses usually just complain of lots of different symptoms because of the attention and drama it brings to them. Also, it's not really that odd for a patient to receive those three diagnoses (or any 3 diagnoses). It all depends on what they told which clinician on what day. The DSM has so much overlap that it can be hard to really hone in on what the primary problem is. Don't mistake me: he has a problem, but it's probably in Axis II, not I. "Mental breakdowns" are an excellent way for borderline/histrionic patients to get the reactions they seek. Nonetheless, it's possible an antipsychotic would help.

@45, Clinically speaking, the terms "depression" and "major depressive disorder" are used interchangeably. They should mean the same thing to a doctor or psych professional.
Oh, and that's why Dan's advice is so spot on. Don't reward the disordered behavior and it may start to subside. But probably not. This guy will likely be unstable for his whole life.

What a hateful letter. Treat it with the silence it deserves. Why anyone would not long ago have faded gently out of the life of anyone capable of writing it is beyond me, brother or no brother.
Cripes! This goes on with several lesbian acquaintances, but never with guys that I know. This guy keeps 'getting right with the Lord', and every time he does he's back listening to the xtianist crap that 'nobody is really gay- just deceived by Satan'.
So this is really a spiritual struggle- when he's gay, he feels evil and far from god. When he's walking with god, he couldn't possibly be gay, because nobody is truly gay- just deceived. My step-sister has been back and forth across this fence too many times to count- evil lesbian, or pious nothing, or worse yet- piously straight married. The latter hasn't worked either time she's tried it, so now she's just something, no one knows what. Sigh.
This GF of his is probably in the same xtian cult and believes he was just deceived when he was liking the boy-butt. She'll get burned the same way my wife did, and, as stated above- this should not be happening in this century.
Let's see what Mr. Show had to say about this:…
were this my screwed-up sibling, i would say just what Harold says to Michael in "The Boys in The Band": "You're a sad and pathetic man. You're a homosexual and you don't want to be, but there's nothing you can do to change it. Not all the prayers to your god, not all the analysis you can buy in all the years you've go left to live. You may one day be able to know a heterosexual life if you want it desperately enough. If you pursue it with the fervor with which you annihilate. But you'll always be homosexual as well. Always Michael. Always. Until the day you die."

i love that play.
Cool story, Bro!
@53 Even better.
@32:Much better.
Seriously, the only thing you can do with drama queens and hatesoaks like these is to smile and nod and act like they're the boringest fuckers that ever lived.

People LOVE going born-again for the lovebombing and perceived "hate" from former friends that they can then feed back into their charismatic "new friends" as a bonding moment.
@21: "lots of women like a "project". They think they can fix whatever is wrong with a defective boyfriend and make husband material out of him. "

They already said that these women were broken. Of course they exist! Broken people keeping other fucked-up people off the market since eternity.
Train wreck looking for a venue....
@gromm bipolar doesn't mean what you think it means and it certainly doesn't mean "completely insane."
Sell your brother into slavery and forget about him. He's a fucking mess and a total waste of your time.
@20 for the win, people.
@51, I haven't even clicked it, but it's David Cross and all his relapses into homosinuality right? God I fucking love Mr. Show.
Unfortunately, LW can't even show his bro Dan's brilliant response because it will feed into bro's drama queen lusts.

DAMN @51, I was literally just about to post that.
I'm with @3 Thexalon, does no one want to consider that the man is bi? Seems to me that the only people that think you CAN change your orientation are the ones that are naturally attracted to both genders. Perhaps this guy is always going back and forth because he finds himself attracted to different genders at different times.

Or maybe not, maybe he's just a drama queen with mental health issues, but folks, bi-sexuality is real. We need to acknowledge it as a possibility in these cases.
@65, bisexual in a way which denies that he might ever be attracted to guys again? That's not bisexual, that's trouble.
This guy sounds like that train wreck of a woman from Vermont who after years of abusive relationships had finally entered the first loving affirming relationship of her life when her new church convinced her to be straight again. Pathetic and needy and weak.

LW, I am sorry this guy is your brother. If you have any other young and impressionable gay relatives, please keep them away from this train wreck of a life. Maybe someday, with extensive therapy, he will find a place of equilibrium and realize his problems have nothiing to do with his sexuality. Until then, love him on the inside and be indifferent on the outside.
This poor woman. I wonder if she knows BRO thinks they are in a relationship -- the kind of relationship you write home about -- after just three dates.

To me, a few dates does not a relationship make.
@42, having bipolar disorder did not make me install a revolving door in my closet.
I was worried about BRO's girlfriend. Then I realized she's probably his "Canadian girlfriend".
@69 There is a vast spectrum, along with the three standard subtypes for that diagnosis. For example, since you aren't dead, you probably aren't someone with bipolar who when manic thinks he can fly. Also, context. He might be more prone to the attraction of culty/religious types than you, and during periods of mania/depression/normalcy wakes up from it a bit, which would explain the seeming silliness of this behavior pattern. Some people are slow cyclers. Regardless of diagnosis, you can surely see the attraction of conservative religion to someone in deep emotional pain, esp re: their sexuality, no? Grown adults sign up for reeducation camps. Gotta be a reason.
The alleged girlfriend is in for misery. I agree with Dan, but maybe the LR could slip the chick a few wise words about getting entangled with a screwed up head.
I came here to post the Mr. Show sketch and was very happy to see it was already here. And here it is again… because it's amazing.
The letter is an obvious cry for attention from a hurt individual who is seeking validation or approval for his actions. Someone who is constantly self-hurting, looking for acceptance from others, and seeks conflict to validate their choices doesn't have an self inside that is solid. He is seeking the Self, but continues to seek external to his form and that will continue to roil into a cycle of more and more self-hatred until he decides for himself that he has suffered enough and is done with it. This might be on his death bed, but it will happen, so the advice here is pretty spot on. Be there for your brother BROS, but don't let yourself get entangled in his own personal samsāra.
At this point in history, enough already. Asshole parents can have panic attacks about their children's sexuality. Dependent queer youth can have existential crises about their own sexuality, especially if they're attached to asshole parents. Adults acknowledge that life is unfair and then SUCK IT THE FUCK UP and live their lives proudly.
Ultimately there's only so much you can do for someone whose mental illness makes them a total asshole. All you can do with him is mourn him and move on (and for your own mental health, find an excuse to avoid any farcical weddings you get invited to--lie like a rug if you have to but don't go).

One thing that might make you feel better: get involved in the fight for same-sex rights. Your brother's story is an example of how evangelical delusions cause harm--to you, to your brother, to that poor fuck-up woman he's dating. You can't save your brother but you CAN work to change the world that enables his sickness. Good luck.
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