
I kinda wish she would. I with the Tea Partiers would put their feet where their mouth is, splinter off from the Republican party, and let the Republican party go back to sane, secular conservatives. I feel like then we could have semi productive debates again.
Palin thinks the Republicans are backing away from the principles of Lincoln and Reagan? Well, she isn't wrong about that, but I'm surprised to hear that she's nostalgic for what she would consider leftist policies.
If a reality-television producer schemed up a show about starting a third party and pitched the idea to her, that shrill idiot would grasp it and wring its neck for every cent she could get out of it.
I wish she would start a third party. That would remove most of the hard-core nut-jobs from the Republican party, and they might actually nominate someone I could vote for (like Christie). But nah, that's wishful thinking.
@3 only for maybe 6-12 months. As soon as the hype died down she wouldn't bother anymore.
She will start a third party only if she has people who can figure out a way for her to launder donations to herself. Like maybe after Bristol gets her internet law degree, she becomes the party's legal counsel kept on retainer for several million dollars a year.

Todd will supervise security for another several million dollars a year.

And Willow will be hired for media relations, where she calls Bristol's baby daddy a fag a couple of times a week.

So yeah, Palin could very well start a third party.
You can't blame the media carrousel over Sarah Palin if you are one of the ponies on that carrousel, Paul.
fuck her.

and fuck SLOG for giving that vile piece of shit any airtime
The only way Sarah Palin could start a third party is if political parties were birthed from her womb. Having too many kids is the only thing Palin's ever accomplished.
She starts plenty of things, just never finishes them.
@9 you have to admit that the one male child that fell out of her is pretty damn foxy.
I think the sage words of Nancy Pelosi work just as well here: "Who cares?"
I can't believe we're still talking about this douche nozzle. She must be planning a new show.
So true. Sarah "Bail'n" Palin is a testament to how this country can elevate a sub-mediocrity.

She is so venal, narcissistic and dull the only thing remarkable and notable about her are the people that follow her. Those people are a fascinating study in the power and danger of collective stupid.

Please start a 3rd party already.

I'm so tired of the Tea Party living in the GOP's basement.

It's time for Palin and the other "Americans" to get a real job and move out of the house.
How much money do you need to stop writing about her forever? Seriously. I've got my checkbook open.
@6, i.e., a pyramid scheme.

@10, I guess Glen Rice was the exception
I'm no fan of Sarah Palin but to say she's "never done anything and never will do anything" is a bit much. She was one of what, 25 women in the history of our country to be elected governor? That's pretty impressive if you ask me. She was one of two women to be on a major party's ticket for President. Again, I can't stand her politics, but gee, that's er, something.

Now what exactly have YOU done Paul? Oh, that's right, you visited the London Transport Museum last week and tweeted a pic of a busted bubblegum container laying in the road. Now that's something!
She already belongs to a third party--the Wig Party!
Why did Sarah Palin cross the road?

She didn't. She got halfway there, quit, and went back.
Sure she would. She'd get lots of people to do the actual work, take all the credit, blame them for anything that cold be perceived as slightly negative, then quit when people realized it wasn't actually viable and go back to watching Russia from her house.
Why is Sarah Palin even still relevant? Since she quit her post in Alaska, she hasnā€™t run for public office but acts like a politician who calls her constituents ā€œfans.ā€ What exactly does she do other than essentially proposition her self and image to the highest bidder? Sounds like Sarah is Americaā€™s highest paid escort! See how down and dirty sheā€™ll get for the money at…
Hey hey hey hey. HEY. Hey. Hey. Let's be fair, here. Let's give Sarah a fair shake, now. She does do something other than sitting in front of a camera: Sometimes she stands behind a lectern instead.
I hope it has an "under the sea" theme like that video. At least I assume it did. I can't be bothered to watch.
God help us if the republicans ever find a woman who's attractive, folksy, good at sound-bites and ISN'T functionally retarded.

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