
God I'm glad I don't drink anymore...
I second Gern.
If i had to do 8 shots in a row, you bet your ass I'd choose the weakest shots possible. I still have the rest of the night that needs partied through!
how far the youth have fallen....this one time, after watching, like, 10 hours of fassbinder's ' berlin alexanderplatz ' me and some friends get a few quarts of 'beer' beer and a bottle of peppermint schnapps and pretend we fassbinder berliners drinking the whole lot in a matter of about 60 minutes. i don't remember much after except when i came to, my inner fire was barely a flicker and i was naked in my empty cold bathtub and there was broken glass everywhere.
I don't understand. What do you mean, HAD to have 8 shots? When did we stop being adults? I mean, I can dig it if you WANT 8 shots, or 9 or 3, but what is this "had to have?"

I'm competitive at a lot of things, but drinking... god, that's so juvenile.
After the third shot, it starts tasting like a very nasty form of minty mouthwash.. It becomes silly, not girly ...

My head is already spinning, and I am about to hurl from reading this...
If I *had* to drink 8 Midoris, I would be sick until the end of time.
Rumplemintz 100 proof cold fire.... I suggest only four shots though..;-D
Blergh, I'd rather drink Raki or Ouzo or frelling Slivovitz before most of this swill, but I could probably keep 8 shots of Malibu down - for a while.
This embodies what I dislike about typical bar culture.
If I *had* to have 8 shots, I would choose a whisky I liked, and sip them at my leisure.
If I had to rite a blog post for Slog, would it take me eight blog posts to arrive at one this misguided?

When people are trying to figure out when The Stranger imploded - if anyone can still summon the interest to care - this post will typify the rapid decline from a home of local news coverage into the sad trivial mess it's become.
I'll sip my shots, thank you very much, and I'll still finish ahead of you, and I'll still be ready to go, while you are puking on your shoes.

They'd better be your shoes.

If I had to enter your ridiculous contest, I'd go for Fernet Branca or something, maybe Zwack or Cynar, just to mess with your tiny mind, or if I'm trying to please myself, Lillet Blanc, or Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, or even that year-old bottle of red vermouth if that's all you've got.
@ 14, they don't serve ANY of that at bars where shit like this happens. Johnnie Walker Black is the highest class thing available.
Not cool, guys.
@18.. dag..some unclefuckers never grow the fuck up..
@17 - Indeed, why glorify such an assault on the body.
Jägermeister. Followed by a pint of Guinness. That's if I was stupid enough to drink 8 shots though. Christ.

Also: @18: Hi! You've marked yourself out as a jerk AND an idiot! You will now be treated accordingly! That was easy.
it's a strange society we live in. obsession with healthy food, lifestyle, excercise, combined with complete denial that pouring poison into our bodies on a regular basis is anything but disastrous. I would know, I did it for years.
Someone actually served a single person 8 shots at once at a bar? That's...a dangerous level of overservice. Fire that bartender before someone ends up in the hospital.

I'm sure I did something stupid like that during the undergrad years and maybe a little after, but it just grosses me out now.
@21: I agree. Jägermeister. I love that licorice taste. Paired well with a fancy desert, like a chocolate mousse.

Yooper Steve looks like he's really psyched to do eight shots, but not the kind that fills a jigger.
wow, the douche radiating from that photo is burning my eyes.
@18/25 - you created a new account just to post that?

What a sad, pathetic life you must lead. I'm feel sorry for you.

@24 - I'm not a fan of jäger, but that actually sounds really good.

I second Lillet blanc.

As for doing 8 shots of anything, that's good alcohol wasted in idiocy. What does that achieve ? A proof he's down to abusing himself in order to be noticed ? He can't possibly taste that alcohol when doing shots.

He looks unfocused and borderline retarded in that picture, just like any other fool who's just done a massive alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages deserve more respect than that.
My vote is for anything except Midori: I'm feeling a distaste for anything ethnic-sounding for some reason... OH_SNAP.gif
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