Columns Jun 26, 2013 at 4:00 am

Enema Kits and Missing Clits


@103, Actually, when I originally read your comments I read them the same way as Eirene and migrationist. I just didn't say anything because, from reading here a ton, I assumed you didn't mean it the way it sounded (looked, I suppose, technically). I don't think anyone is trying to attack you, though.
@Hunter78: So no free pass for the crazy old lady but you'll give one to the girl who cheated on her girlfriend 3 times while she was deployed. Get your own meds adjusted.

- for what it's worth, i also assumed that the original statement @51 referred to trans-men, because it was in a list of 'men'. and i assumed ignorance or confusion -not malevolence- on the part of the poster, because most (not all) trans-men transition post puberty, and obviously have had periods, pregnancies, etc.
it would never have occurred to me that the poster meant trans-women, because they are not generally considered a sub-set of the group 'men'. so the following comments posted by migrationist and eirene are not an attack on the original poster, but simply an attempt to clear up some confusion, and correct the error.

hysteria is not required in this situation, i think.
@108 "hysteria is not required in this situation, i think."

Well, actually...
HYSTERIA: adapted in early 17th century from Latin hystericus / Greek hysterikos, meaning (sic) "suffering of the womb," popularized by Freud as a neurotic condition triggered by a dysfunction of the uterus.

Sounds like a conversation about uterine dysfunction to me :)
@105: Nor do I take your usual trolling very seriously, either, Hunter.
Obviously you missed my blatant sarcasm in comment to Eirene in @93.

@107: tito, you ROCK!!!
BTW: A hysterectomy does not cure PCOS. Women with PCOS can have children. Women with PCOS can have it go into remission with proper diet, medication, and natural therapies.
I would say NEVER go to a doctor that recommended a hysterectomy to treat PCOS.
@sappho: very well then. I would agree, and admit I am a little sensitive to what I might perceive to be mild/subtle girl on girl bullying. Please note, I am admitting this is my perception.

@Auntie G: right back at ya babe. My apologies if I haven't said it before.
@108 sappho: Which is why, after serving four years in the U.S. Navy, I quickly learned to never again assume anything. In @51 I said the word "men" as in: 'a lot of men (MEN! With dicks and balls, and who aren't born with internal female genitalia!) usually don't understand a woman's biological makeup.' Look at how many people misunderstood what I considered to be a simple, neutral statement. It does NOT include "trans" or "trans-gender" anywhere in @51; only the word "trannies". I have witnessed this slang term for transsexual used in the film, "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert", and have read it commonly used. If this term is just a casual shortening of transsexual whether the transsexual is MTF or FTM, then where is the offense? Is it supposed to be the equivalent of the N-word?
By the way, the term "tranny" or "trannies" has been used in past Savage Love columns (at least, I have seen the word used in Dan's book, Savage Love, a compilation of letters to SL over the years; *see letter in the Kink section, on page 190 and 191, from Dickless in Frisco).
I'm not bashing Dan here at all. My point, however, is that if Dan Savage says "tranny"---referring to a LW who is a FTM--and he's gay but NOT trassexual himself, and everyone's jiggy with that, while I'm a heterosexual female but NOT transsexual and I say "trannies" just once and about five people go apeshit gorilla snot, then who is really suffering from mass hysteria here? For those of you who have taken offense of any kind, please chill out or get laid, already! Geez. Life's too frigging short.

@109 Mako&Mudlrow : Okay......then am I suffering from inactive 'hysteria of the womb' for remaining childless by choice?
This is my own opinion, mind you, but when anyone brings Sigmund Freud into a conversation, the discussion quickly loses its credibility with me.
I'm just saying.

@112: tito: No apologies needed. You definitely rock the house!!
Okay then. Enough about mass hysteria.
This pre-menopausal late 40s chick with PMS
is calling it a night and ready for 4th of July
fireworks tomorrow.

Everyone have a good, safe, happy July 4th!!
When I was in my early 20's (about 6 years ago) I got up the courage to tell my gyno that since I had begun taking birth control, my sex drive had disappeared. I'm pretty shy about that stuff, so it was a big deal for me to ask. She bluntly informed me that birth control "doesn't affect sex drive" and ended the conversation. To this day I haven't really researched whether BC's effect on sex drive is "proven," but surely putting hormones into your body would have some effect on... hormones? Even if she really believed it was impossible, I cringe now thinking about having a doctor who would ask NO follow up questions of a young women who had lost all interest in sex. Incidentally, changing BC seemed to fix it just fine.

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