Columns May 7, 2014 at 4:00 am

To Sir, with Hate


Well that was vague.
Hmm sounds like another student slept with their professor, got caught and he used that ole, "I'm the teacher, she lied and cheated", ruse. Not to adults (and yout's), don't sleep with your professors they (the ones that will sleep with you)are sleazebags, there is a reason its against the rules. But obviously this student believed that she was soooo special, surely it was LOOOOVE! But maybe I'm all wrong, it was vague.
Dollars to donuts, "Sir" couldn't pick Anonymous out of a line up, prompted only by this letter.
God, does the school offer any English composition classes? LW should sign up, pronto.
I will jam you into next week!
I,A played office politics against a professional and got her "but but I care so much! sniffle" ass handed to her. I would give it a 4/10, but I'm subtracting a point for the incredibly poor writing style, and a further point for being a whiny doormat. 2/10
This is irritatingly vague. I want salacious details and I want them right now.
The recently discovered "Jesus Got Married" scroll has more detail than this.
@7: I second that!
Although a certain for-profit art school does pop into my mind after reading this week's vague I, Anon.
I may not win. I win.
LW is just mad her prof used up all the COCAINE and MALT LIQUOR.
I think farting on the bus deserves more commentary.
Girls are mean.
That isn't "irony." You should have done your homework instead of whatever you did.
He stole your joy? What a jerk!!!
I bet the teacher is Bob Campbell. It's the only teacher I can think of who could consider himself "god's gift to the seattle art scene." Hmmmmmm
Artists. Such drama queens. You screwed the wrong person and he dicked you over.

Welcome to the real world.
I dunno, sounds possibly like she DIDN'T get what she was after.. ? She didn't say 'other' students, the implication being she wasn't included in that sentence. Or am I reading too much into that one?

Just a thought.

I have had people take a dislike to me though, in situations of power like that, when I didn't play the game right, didn't acknowledge them to be everything they told everybody else they were, and didn't want to sleep with them, and been thrown out for it, it is no fun.. I do sort of sympathize with this one in a way.
"You spend your days teaching and never show your work."

It's art, sweetie. Not math class.
I can't tell if he's the one fucking the students, or if you're fucking the students in some misplaced sense of revenge. F-, don't see me after class.
I'm guessing a student/TA fucked her teacher who had her/him do all the research and writing and then claimed all the credit for themselves as every college professor does.

"I worked my ass off for you. I did everything you asked me to do, no questions asked."

There's the problem right there. You should never do that for anyone. Never accept a 'hand shake deal' or work for free or turn yourself into someone's dogsbody. Oh, and don't sleep with co-workers.
I think in the art world "showing work" means something else. She was saying that he only teaches, and doesnt make art. Not that he wasn't explaining how he made his art.
Ive never been to art school but people put a lot on having teachers that are practicing artists.
Yes, you win.

First place for most ambiguous and boring anon of the year.
She fucked her teacher, he moved on but she did not.

Now, let's get back to discussing farting in public places.
By the way, I'm not saying this is true, but one has to wonder... I'll bet the teach/student sex was FUCKING WILD. It was almost certainly in this chick's appartment, and I'll bet if you "blue lighted" the place, you would find cum everywhere. Seriously, these two bunnies fucked on the counters, on the kitchen floor, on the couch, the living room floor, against the shower stall... They fucked *A LOT* and now sensitive little artist doesn't like it that Professor Someone didn't leave his wife?

Damn! Sounds like nearly every student I knew when I was attending Shoreline Community College in the 90's. Seriously. Boy, talk about a soap opera! What memories this brings back.
Oh, and it was the Art/Graphic Design/Multimedia students and our instructors I was referring to. Which female student was sleeping with the married photography instructor? Which female graphic design student slept with one of the drawing instructors? Too funny.
Real artists do not have "panic attacks".

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