
Don't worry, come January Senator Asshole from Texas will scrap up some snow in DC, make a snowball and throw it on the floor of the Senate. Then mock global warming.

Enjoy the new normal temps: here it's gonna even get warming in the coming year. And sorry if you brought children into this new hell.
In a world that some (not me) would consider ideal, everyone would refrain from using personal fireworks when it is so dangerously dry. However, we live in the real world where people who have paid hundreds of dollars for fireworks will indeed be using them. For this reason, I think the best thing anyone with a wide reach can do is try to promote safety. Here's a great resource:…

Have a Happy 4th!
@3 - that is pure bullshit
I've put peas in my boyfriend's ass, but thought of peas in guacamole? gross
Vehicular homicide is punishable by up to life in prison. Let's see how much time drunken murderer Lucas McQuinn gets and serves. Don't fuck this up, King County.
Can The Stanger put a dedicated reporter on the scoop of that drone that fell down that one time?

I really think this story needs more investigation, and definitely more exposure. Maybe put a few interns on it too.
@1: Feeling smug in your fatalism?
I used to work in the columbia tower and there was always a crazy number of cars with disabled placards parked around the government building just across 5th. Almost every time I saw someone exit one of those cars it was just an obese city employee who would amble right into the city building with no problem.
@3 Yes, complete and utter bullshit.
Soos Creek Trail

A woman is down on the side of the trail. Her friend (partner) is comforting her. They met on this trail 30 years ago. She hit a rock and flipped into the ditch 3 feet below the trail bed and is immobilized with a shoulder injury. She needed water so I gave them my bottle. Then I took off my shirt so they could use it as a shade against the heat. Minutes later paramedics arrived and hauled her up on a stretcher and I got my bottle and shirt back.

Covington Starbucks

I stop after bike ride for an iced tea, one shot of classic, their code name for sugar.

Man at seat as I walk by: Bet it's hot enough for you

Me: I'm from New York City so this is still mild. Used to 95 in summer.

Man: Why did you leave?

Me: I ask myself that question every day

Man: I'm from North Dakota and I know why I left.

Fifteen minutes later outside the starter in his classic pickup, yellow with white side panels, colors from an old kitchen, wouldn't turn over. I helped him by hitting the starter with a plank of wood. Why it worked, I'll never know. Why he left South Dakota I still don't know.

Hmm. reading my comment @10 again I realized I might have been unclear. What is complete and utter bullshit is the idea that a pot plant requires 6 gallons of water daily. I do have a bit of experience with this, indoors and outdoors.
Lordy, it would take a near sociopath to falsely claim a disability in order to get better parking.
The almond argument is bullshit. We're exporting too much cattle feed. Most of the water in Cali goes to growing alfalfa, which is then harvested and baled and put on ships and sent to South America and parts elsewhere to feed cows, which are then slaughtered for their meat. The water consumed by almonds is a trickle compared to the rushing river consumed by exported alfalfa.
@13 - Plus there are those morality challenged yahoos that "borrow" grandma's placard.
Also piling on the 6 gallons-per-day is bullshit. Some light googling indicates this figure was sourced from a different article, which sourced a different article, which sourced a different article, which quoted some California Wildlife official about a study that wasn't completed.
Sorry. I know this stings, but marijuana cultivation uses a lot of water and is a high maintenance crop indoor or outdoor.

Here's a UC Berkeley study:…

My suggestion is funding research to find varieties which require less water and are more competitive against other weeds (looking at outdoor cultivation here). Start treating it like any other high value crop such as tobacco was, grant money will pour in.
Does marijuana require a significant amount of water? Yes. However, that amount of water is less than what is required to grow almonds, walnuts, broccoli, lettuce, alfalfa, and a host of other plants. Marijuana is not the cause of drought anywhere.

From a capitalist perspective, marijuana is a brilliant crop. The amount you can sell it for compared to food products gives it a beneficial work to profit (and water to profit) ratio.

About the only water based anti-pot argument that can be made is the fact that marijuana has a low nutritional value, even when eaten.
There is no P in "guacamole".
1. Hemp requires far less water than cotton ;)

2. As legalization of pot gains momentum, I don't see why we can't look at ways to cultivate it with consideration to the environment and resource just like all other crops. That's the flip side of legitimacy.

3. It's naive not to acknowledge the harm illegal grow ops have done to our environment.

4. Need to do far more serious public health outreach about responsible usage. Ignoring this is going to come back and bite us.

What could be duller than studying the state budget? But that fucker is PACKED with total disaster. Ignore the fact that the K-12 appropriation is half what the state supreme court said was needed to get out of contempt. The Land Commissioner had asked for a bare-bones $4 million to fight wildfires; he got $1 million. where did it go? For a tax break for extra big yachts, over 78 feet. I shit you not; thank Senator Barbara Bailey (R-Oak Harbor) for that gem, and she's bragging about it. Remember, three years ago Margaret Haugen (D-Oak Harbor) was the critical vote for marriage equality. Well, Bailey beat her over the head with that vote until she beat Haugen by 2% of the vote. Your yacht under 78 feet? Fuck you; only the Big Rich get in tax free.

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